Font rendering issue on macOS - cut off characters

Phil Race philip.race at
Mon May 25 00:16:52 UTC 2020

That looks normal.


> On May 24, 2020, at 4:27 PM, Rob Nikander <rob.nikander at> wrote:
>> On May 24, 2020, at 5:46 PM, Philip Race <philip.race at> wrote:
>> That's likely LCD sub-pixel text. Its normal to see it if you squint. Not new.
> I’m doubting that this is normal, but let me try to share a few screenshots so we can be sure. (All pasted into one PNG for easy comparison):
> (I hope that if you view those on a retina display, you will still see the blockier appearance of my non-retina laptop screen. )
> You can see the shaved “o” characters there, but I’m just talking about the colors now. Is that normal? To me the JavaFX text looks significantly worse than the native app text [1]. In the native app, I don’t see any color, even looking real close. The JavaFX seems like it went overboard on something. 
> Rob
> [1] It’s a screenshot from Pages, but they all look the same.
>> macOS has been moving away from it but people with non-retina displays have lamented its passing.
>> FX still requests LCD tho'. Although it is not clear how long macOS will continue to provide it.

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