Move EventHandlerManager to public API

Johan Vos johan.vos at
Sat Oct 24 09:12:21 UTC 2020

That sounds like a valid reason for opening more API's, similar to what we
did with the VirtualFlow.
I would love to hear the opinion from others -- preferably now on the
mailing list instead of later in a PR/CSR.

- Johan

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 8:49 AM Abhinay Agarwal <abhinay_agarwal at>

> Hi,
> Classes which extends Node have access to the protected method
> `setEventHandler`[1]. It makes it exceptional easy to register a
> user-defined onXXX event handler.
> However, for custom EventTarget which do not extend Node, it becomes
> cumbersome as JavaFX expects us to create a whole new EventDispatcher to
> register custom event handlers/filters on these targets. JavaFX already has
> a number of implementation for EventDispatcher in the `com.sun` package.
> The most basic of which are BasicEventDispatcher and EventHandlerManager.
> The later seems to have all the necessary public methods to make it easier
> to create new EventTargets.
> Unless there is a good reason which I am missing, JavaFX should provide a
> basic implementation of EventDispatcher to make it easier for developers to
> create custom EventTarget.
> FYR, ControlsFX has 3 classes which implement EventTarget directly:
>   1.
> AutoCompletionBinding [2]
>   2.
> GridBase [3]
>   3.
> SpreadsheetCellBase [4]
> Regards,
> Abhinay
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

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