Cannot extend javafx.scene.transform.Transform

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Sep 16 13:00:28 UTC 2020

Sorry for the delay in responding to this. No, these classes are not 
meant to be extensible and we do not plan to change this. BaseTransform 
and Affine3D are an internal non-exported package (i.e., it is an 
implementation detail), so are not public API.

-- Kevin

On 9/9/2020 10:18 AM, Jules Yasuna wrote:
> I would like to extend from javafx.scene.transform.Transform
> Two methods are preventing this …
>    abstract void apply(Affine3D t);
>    abstract BaseTransform derive(BaseTransform t);
> I accomplished this in jdk 8 by overriding these two methods …
>    public abstract void impl_apply(final Affine3D trans);
>    public abstract BaseTransform impl_derive(final BaseTransform trans);
> Which of course I should not have done.
> Is there any change the apply and derive methods could open to permit derivation?

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