[External] : Re: Consistent baseline layout algorithm

Michael Strauß michaelstrau2 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 03:01:41 UTC 2021

I've created a small sample app (a screenshot is available in the
GitHub PR discussion at https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/433), and
it seems to me that, while understanding the intricacies of
isTextBaseline and isPrefBaseline might be a bit tricky, from an
application developer's perspective it seems to "just work" in most
cases that I've tried so far. However, I think the documentation still
needs to be improved when the concepts settle.

As to your questions: it is true that isTextBaseline generally
propagates up the scene graph. Parent::isTextBaseline() reports true
if, when computing its own baseline offset, it selects a child that
reports isTextBaseline()==true as the baseline source. However, even
when text baseline children are available, the selected child might
not be a text baseline node if prefBaseline=true was specified on a
non-text child node to override the default selection.

I think isTextBaseline could reasonably be a read-only property, the
performance impact is probably negligible if the property is only
initialized when it is actually accessed.

Am Fr., 16. Apr. 2021 um 19:08 Uhr schrieb Kevin Rushforth
<kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>:
> Good, since these are the sort of behavioral changes we almost always
> avoid. That change in the default behavior likely would not have been
> approved.
> As for the rest, I'll need some time to fully understand the impact of
> the proposed behavior for propagating isTextBaseline up the tree, and
> how that interacts with prefBaseline. It seem like it might be tricky to
> document and for app developers to understand all the ramifications.
> A couple questions: First, I presume you are only proposing to propagate
> isTextBaseline up the scene graph, meaning that all parents would report
> textBaseline == true if that parent is a text baseline node (e.g.,
> Labeled, TextFlow) or if any descendant is? Second, given that
> isTextBaseline is not immutable, have you considered whether it should
> be a read-only property, so an application could listen for changes or
> bind to it? There would likely be a performance trade-off in making it a
> property.
> -- Kevin

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