Having trouble setting up the JFX project in IntelliJ

Jonathan Vusich jonathanvusich at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 19:45:48 UTC 2021

Hello all,

As the title suggests, I am struggling to figure out how to properly set up
the JavaFX project in IntelliJ or Eclipse. I can run the tests for JavaFX
through Gradle on the command line, so I am sure that I have all of the
needed tools and environment variables set correctly. However, my IntelliJ
and Eclipse IDEs both show many compile and build errors, and do not allow
me to run any of the test apps due to these compile errors. In order to
address feedback on a pull request for JavaFX, I need to be able to run the
Ensemble8 test application, and I cannot figure out how to do this from the
command line alone. Is there something that I am missing that would cause
IntelliJ to be able to resolve these compile errors? Or am I just supposed
to run everything through the command line? If the latter is true, how do I
run the Ensemble8 application through Gradle from the command line? Many
thanks to anyone who can provide some answers.

Jonathan Vusich

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