Moving discussions to GitHub?

Michael Strauß michaelstrau2 at
Fri Aug 20 01:40:22 UTC 2021

You can configure GitHub email notifications by clicking on the
"Watch" button (it's right next to "Star" and "Fork").
Selecting "All Activity" is probably what you'll want to choose for a
"mailing list experience".

GitHub Discussions can be organized by categories (for example,
"Ideas", "Q&A", "Development", etc.), so people who are stumbling upon
the OpenJFX repository will have "obvious" places to go to ask
questions or engage in discussions.

Am Fr., 20. Aug. 2021 um 03:19 Uhr schrieb Dan Howard <sproket at>:
> How do you get people to know that there's a discussion going on? We
> subscribe to follow things here.  How would people outside find things
> to get involved?

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