Eclipse: any way to checkout a PR for review?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Tue Jul 27 11:23:34 UTC 2021

I do something like this:

git fetch upstream pull/569/head:pr_569

Then you can checkout the "pr_569" branch. I typically will then merge 
in the current upstream/master to test. If you don't have an "upstream" 
remote you can instead:

git fetch pull/569/head:pr_569

-- Kevin

On 7/27/2021 4:15 AM, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:
> when reviewing a PR with only a few files changed, I simply create a 
> local branch and c&p the changes (*cough, pretty sure there's a better 
> way, but then that's the most simple ;).
> With changes to many files (like f.i. 
> that still would be doable, 
> but rather cumbersome - so looking for something like "gh pr checkout 
> 569" (not that I ever tried that, just copied from the doc :) inside 
> Eclipse.
> An alternative might be to fork-the-fork .. ?
> -- Jeanette

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