Tons of gradle warnings

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jun 2 21:06:42 UTC 2021

Yeah, both Ambarish and I noticed the odd formatting and the warnings as 
well. I'll file follow-on issues for the warnings.

-- Kevin

On 5/28/2021 3:45 AM, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> yesterday gradle auto-updated to version 7 (?), since then I get many 
> warnings like:
> Execution optimizations have been disabled for task 
> ':graphics:copyClassFilesWin' to ensure correctness due to the 
> following reasons:
>   - Gradle detected a problem with the following location: 
> 'C:\Daten\data-for-work\eclipse\gitrep-openjdk\jfx-fork\modules\\build\module-classes'. 
> Reason: Task ':graphics:copyClassFilesWin' uses this output of task 
> ':graphics:buildModuleWin' without declaring an explicit or implicit 
> dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, 
> depending on what order the tasks are executed.
> Looks like it is safe to ignore them, just want to be sure :)
> Another very minor issue: since the same time, there's an issue with 
> terminal output in that I see the "executing" messages written out like:
> <=======------> 58% EXECUTING [54s]> 
> :graphics:copyClassFilesWin<=======------> 58% EXECUTING 
> [55s]<=======------> 58% EXECUTING [56s]<=======------> 58% EXECUTING 
> [57s]<=======------> 58% EXECUTING [58s]<=======------> 58% EXECUTING 
> [59s]<=======------> 58% EXECUTING [1m 0s]<=======------> 58% 
> EXECUTING [1m 1s]<=======------> and-so-on-to-the-end
> Can live with it, but any idea how to get rid off them?
> -- Jeanette

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