Support :focus-visible CSS pseudoclass

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Mon Jun 7 23:08:28 UTC 2021

I'd be interested in hearing from application developers as to whether 
and how they would use such a feature. As with all non-trivial features, 
we don't want to do it if only one or two developers are asking for it. 
This seems a reasonably new CSS feature; Firefox just added support in 
FF 85 released earlier this year and Safari still doesn't. That suggests 
it might be a bit early to adopt this for JavaFX.

Also, one thing that isn't clear is whether there would be any user 
visible change using the standard themes. I presume that the answer is 
"no", meaning that unless your stylesheets do anything with 
focus-visible, it will not affect the look and feel of the app. That 
should be stated explicitly

I also presume that there would be no application visible changes when 
using the standard themes, other than the presence of the two new 
read-only boolean properties?

-- Kevin

On 6/7/2021 3:46 PM, Michael Strauß wrote:
> I have expanded the scope of the proposal to include the :focus-within
> pseudo-class, which completes the set of focus-related pseudo-classes.
> The updated text of the proposal can be found in the JBS ticket:
> I'm looking forward to comments.

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