Moving out of the lib directory of the JavaFX SDK

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jun 23 13:50:40 UTC 2021

Are there any IDE users who are currently having problems as a result of 
this? If not, I'll retarget this for a future release.

-- Kevin

On 6/14/2021 1:15 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> We deliver a set of modular jars in the lib directory of the 
> standalone JavaFX SDK. We also deliver for use by IDEs into 
> that same directory. If you add the lib directory to your 
> application's module path in your IDE, it will try to load as 
> if it were a jar file, and will fail. This is a pain point for 
> developers using the SDK. This problem has been raised on the mailing 
> list a couple of times, and I think it's time to fix it. This issue is 
> tracked in JBS by JDK-8258499 [1].
> I propose to move the file from the lib directory to the top 
> directory of the SDK.
> Alternatively, we could create a new directory for (either a 
> sibling of lib or sub-directory under lib). However, I think it would 
> be easier to find in the top dir of the SDK, and I don't see the need 
> for a new directory just to hold
> Before I create the PR and the associated CSR, I'd like to hear 
> developer's opinions on this.
> -- Kevin
> [1]

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