Moving out of the lib directory of the JavaFX SDK

John Neffenger john at
Wed Jun 23 16:21:29 UTC 2021

On 6/23/21 6:50 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Are there any IDE users who are currently having problems as a result of 
> this? If not, I'll retarget this for a future release.

I haven't seen problems with the current location of the '' file 
in NetBeans. For Apache Ant projects, though, I do need to extract the 
archive into a different location and attach the individual source 
directories to their corresponding modules one at a time.

For anyone interested, the following issue tracks the sub-tasks for each 
of the problems I encountered using the JavaFX Javadocs and Sources with 

NETBEANS-3296: Attaching JavaFX Javadoc and Sources

For the Apache Ant work-around, see the section with the title "Add to 
JAR files."


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