Not really a nice comment but a real issue?

Tom Eugelink tbee at
Sat Mar 20 22:06:02 UTC 2021

And the reaction is interesting. I'll better leave it at that one comment.

On 20-3-2021 20:10, Tom Eugelink wrote:
> I could not refrain from commenting on the tone of the blog, in line with what Johan often complains about. Apparently you guys are stronger than me. But I was polite and kept it to myself.
> On 20-3-2021 19:57, Philip Race wrote:
>> It was a P4 enhancement. I've made it a bug .. this or the new one should be closed as a dup.
>> Normally I'd close the new one but not so clear here. I'll leave it to Kevin to choose.
>> -phil.
>> On 3/20/21 11:54 AM, Philip Race wrote:
>>> Ah, I missed that. And with that, I've now found Gary's bug :
>>> -phil.
>>> On 3/20/21 10:36 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
>>>> Hi Philip,
>>>> Gary Bentley is the blog owner and author of the post. Scott Palmer is commenting on Gary Bentley's blog post.
>>>> I was talking about Gary Bentley's comment to Scott Palmer's asking why he didn't file an issue.
>>>> *Scott Palme*r: "/It’s Open Source… submit an issue and a pull request to at least fix the performance."/
>>>> And Gary Bentley the author of the blog replied:
>>>> *Gary Bentley*:".../I did raise this issue at the time, I raised a bug./"/.
>>>>                       "...There is a rendering issue with WebView in 13+ versions that I also need to raise."/
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 5:12 PM Philip Race <philip.race at <mailto:philip.race at>> wrote:
>>>>     Actually the way I read it, Scott Palmer added a comment with a
>>>>     link to the 2014 change that *introduced* the problem.
>>>>     No one is saying they reported this performance issue in 2014.
>>>>     -phil.
>>>>     On 3/20/21 7:37 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
>>>>>     Back to the discussion on why did the blog poster not raise an
>>>>>     issue for the problems he mentioned...
>>>>>     Just FYI (in case you didn't see his recents comments), it
>>>>>     appears he did. He says he did it in a recent comment on his
>>>>>     blog post (yesterday):
>>>>> <>.
>>>>>     He says he filed an issue in 2014.
>>>>>     Cheers,
>>>>>     --     Pedro Duque Vieira -
>>>>>     <>
>>>> -- 
>>>> Pedro Duque Vieira - <>

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