Build error with gradle (command line)

John Neffenger john at
Tue May 11 15:04:16 UTC 2021

On 5/11/21 5:24 AM, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:
> deleting the caches did work, at last ;)

That's also what I had to do after similar errors. I thought there might 
be some bumps in the road when I proposed adding the Gradle dependency 
verification, but I hope we can retain enough of it to make the builds 
safer than before.

If we notice that the the POM files are changing (without updating their 
versions), Kevin's idea of removing the POM entries should help. Even 
the Gradle documentation anticipates some problems, saying "It means 
that you will be tempted to switch it off." [1]

The more I learn Gradle, the less likely I am to choose it for my own 
projects, but it is far ahead of Maven, for example, in protecting 
against supply-chain attacks. For Maven, this feature is still just a 
couple of old bug reports:

Extend the Project Object Model (POM) with trust information (OpenPGP, 
hash values)

Switch the default checksum policy from "warn" to "fail"



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