Minimum JDK policy for OpenJFX

Matthias Bläsing mblaesing at
Tue May 18 20:52:23 UTC 2021


Am Dienstag, dem 18.05.2021 um 08:17 -0700 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
> In general, we only guarantee that JavaFX N runs on JDK N-1 or later. In 
> practice, though, we don't bump it for each release, as there are some 
> advantages in being able to run with the latest JDK LTS. Since JavaFX 17 
> will release at roughly the same time as JDK 17 LTS, I can't think of a 
> good reason to not update our minimum.
> Comments?

I'd like to be able to use JavaFX with NetBeans. Everytime I tried to
reach a state where it became usable I hit issues in FX and the latest
crasher bug will only be fixed in 17 and at this time NetBeans still
tries to stretch from 8 to 16 (ok, 9 and 10 were left in the dust).

IMHO stability and compatibility with the past is a feature, not a bug
and the "lets brake it" attitude I feel the last years in the java
landscape is irritating.



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