JavaFX 17 Maven Artifacts

clemens.lanthaler at clemens.lanthaler at
Fri Sep 10 13:16:36 UTC 2021

Thanks allot for the detailed explanation!

Than I wait until a final solution will be available. My plan was to upgrade all projects after the jdk 17 release to the newest javafx version.

> On 10. Sep 2021, at 15:11, Abhinay Agarwal <abhinay_agarwal at> wrote:
> JavaFX 17 Maven artifacts currently fail to compile modular JavaFX application. The non-modular application still works.
> To explain what's going on, let have a look at JavaFX and its Maven distribution since version 11:
> 1. JavaFX is distributed in non-platform (empty) and platform specific artifacts
> 2. These artifacts along with the javafx plugins have helped developers to use JavaFX in platform agnostic way
> 3. Platform jars have the `` file, whereas, `Automatic-Module-Name` was present in the empty jar's MANIFEST.MF.
> 4. However, using `maven-jlink-plugin` with a JavaFX application fails since Automatic modules are not supported in JLink [1]
> 5. After a brief discussion, it was decided to remove the Automatic Module Name from non-platform jars [2]
> The EA releases were working perfectly after the change was made. However, with recent JavaFX 17, modular applications are failing to compile with Maven.
> The reason behind this lies in the `plexus-java` library used by `maven-compiler-plugin`:
> 1. `plexus-java` doesn't allow duplicate entries with same module-name on module-path
> 2. For 17, `plexus-java` resolves both empty and platform jar to have the same module-name
> 3. However, with `-ea+xx`, `plexus-java` resolves the module name for empty jar as null and we never discovered the bug until 17 was released
> 17
> ---
> /home/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-controls/17/javafx-controls-17.jar
> at c1c939a0
> Module Name: javafx.controls
> /home/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-controls/17/javafx-controls-17-linux.jar
> at 31c3da0e
> Module Name: javafx.controls
> 17-ea+18
> --------
> /home/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-controls/17-ea+18/javafx-controls-17-ea+18.jar
> Module Name: null
> /home/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-controls/17-ea+18/javafx-controls-17-ea+18-linux.jar
> at c896ba80
> Module Name: javafx.controls
> ----X----
> This whole experience has made us realised we need to rethink how we package JavaFX Maven artifacts.
> We are still discussing about the approach and naming, but we are throwing it out in the open to gather feedback:
> 1. Instead of 1 module per component, we will have 2 modules (javafx.base.api and javafx.base.platform)
> 2. The `javafx.base.api`, unlike empty jar, will contain all generic Java code
> 3. The `javafx.base.platform` will contain platform-specific native + Java code
> 4. Current application declare their module-descriptor as:
> ```
> module app {
>    requires javafx.base;
> }
> ```
> 5. In future this may be changed depending on how we end up wiring these modules together:
> ```
> module app {
>    requires javafx.base [.api or .platform];
> }
> ```
> [1]
> [2]

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