Javafx 17 and moditect no longer working

Tom Eugelink tbee at
Fri Sep 10 15:01:03 UTC 2021


What does JPMS bring besides headaches?

On 2021-09-10 15:00, Ty Young wrote:
> My application also does not work with 17. The spits out random duplicate module reading errors and JavaFX classes can't be found at compile time.
> On 9/10/21 5:47 AM, Clemens Lanthaler wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have just updated from javafx 17-ea+14 to the GA release and I am not able to build one of my projects (PhotoSlide, librawFX, JeditFX, ...) anymore. The root cause is that via maven the it downloads for each component two files (e.g. javafx-base.jar nad javafx-base-mac.jar). The first one contains only the MANIFEST file and nothing more. The problem I have is that until ea+14 the MANIFEST file contained to automatic-module-name and therefore moditect or similar tools can pick this name up. Now the automatic module name is missing in this MANIFEST file and therefore moditect is no finding any module naming anymore and try to use the file name instatt. The problem is that this results in a module name "javafx.base" which is also defined in module-info.class inside of javafx-base-mac.jar. In this case moditect cannot proceed because of duplicate items.
>> Question from my side: Why is this extra jar file necessary ? If it is necessary is there a possability to get back the automatic-module-nam entry in the MANIFEST file ?
>> cheers,
>> Clemens

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