Xlib backend

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Apr 11 15:41:01 UTC 2022

Can you say more about the motivation for doing this? Given the eventual 
direction for Wayland support, even in X11 compatibility mode, I would 
expect more use of gtk and less use of Xlib, not the other way around.

-- Kevin

On 4/10/2022 2:43 PM, Thiago Milczarek Sayão wrote:
> Hi,
> I got simple samples running on the pure Xlib port of the Gtk backend.
> It still has gtk code, but mainly uses Xlib by now. Don't judge the code,
> I'm porting it gradually.
> https://github.com/openjdk/jfx-sandbox/tree/tsayao_xlib
> java @build/run.args -cp apps/toys/Hello/dist/Hello.jar hello.HelloCursors
> Window coordinates and sizes are still off a bit, so you might have to
> resize the window to redraw.
> -- Thiago.

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