RFR: JDK-8298200 Clean up raw type warnings in javafx.beans.property.* and com.sun.javafx.property.* [v2]

Nir Lisker nlisker at openjdk.org
Sat Dec 10 13:42:00 UTC 2022

On Sat, 10 Dec 2022 08:18:34 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendrikx at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> So... it's also a list.
>> I think it's a big mess, you can already see that in the hierarchy, extending both `ObservableObjectValue<ObservableList<E>>` (which is `ObservableValue<T>`) but also being a `ObservableList<E>`.  One or the other is going to break; either it is a property containing a list, or it is a list, it can't be both.
>> Either I can do:
>>      listProperty.equals(normalList);
>> or:
>>      listProperty.equals(aNormalPropertyContainingAList);
>> It looks like the first was chosen (I suppose because the `List` interface defines `equals` in that way) and the 2nd case will break (and is unfixable as equals needs to be symmetric).
>> Looking a bit further, I think extending `ObservableObjectValue<ObservableList<E>>` was a mistake here. It's also what contributes to making the collection properties so confusing (ie. you can replace all elements, or you can replace the entire list, which are two different actions that require two different forms of listeners) -- no other properties allow you to replace it's "container" -- ie. if properties had used an `AtomicReference` internally to store their value, they would not offer me the option to replace either the entire `AtomicReference` or only the value of the reference.
> I've adjusted it now to be a bit more modern Java as per your suggestion.

I agree that this is dubious design, and having worked a bit on observable collections I also found some questionable decisions with regards to the type hierarchy. For example. `ListExpression` and some subclasses should have been interfaces, all the way down to `ListPropertyBase` where a state is actually present. As for the equals, I wonder if it should have been defined in `ListExpression` instead, though that would bring the question about bindings - what makes a binding equal to another.

Right now, what we're doing right now is copying the `AbstractList` equals implementation essentially. I think it's fine, but points, again, to a possible hierarchy problem.

On another note, I'm looking at `ListExpression`'s `add` and other modifying methods. It's calling `EMPTY_LIST.add(element)` where `ObservableList EMPTY_LIST = FXCollections.emptyObservableList();`. Wouldn't that throw an exception since it's an empty unmodifiable observable list?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/969

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