Setting graphics of a Labeled does not show the Label correctly
Nir Lisker
nlisker at
Mon Dec 12 16:10:03 UTC 2022
Another idea is to use a static map that maps a node to its "graphic
parent". That will save on memory at the expense of a lookup.
On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 11:53 PM Nir Lisker <nlisker at> wrote:
> Are we convinced that a node can't be both a graphic and a clip, or
> something else? The docs for clip specify that the node is not a child in
> the scenegraph.
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 11:41 PM John Hendrikx <john.hendrikx at>
> wrote:
>> Adding another field doesn't seem ideal, would it be possible to
>> generalize the clipParent field to function for both (the ownedBy or owner
>> field that I suggested earlier)?
>> --John
>> On 01/12/2022 20:26, Nir Lisker wrote:
>> Michael's idea could solve the problem if it's about more than just
>> traversing, it needs to set rules for allowing a node to serve only 1
>> logical role (or 1 role type, like clip and graphic?) at the same time. In
>> any case, these rules need to be decided upon before starting to work on
>> anything. I can do a quick fix for now that can be reverted later
>> if needed. From what I gather, I will need to add a graphicsParent field
>> like clipParent does.
>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 8:47 PM Nir Lisker <nlisker at> wrote:
>>> By the way, these issues are caused by this inconsistent behavior (they
>>> are probably duplicates):
>>> The graphic of the checkbox of a CheckBoxTreeItem is not set correctly
>>> on the new CheckBox that is provided with the cell when virtual flow
>>> switches it. It might happen with other controls that use virtual flow.
>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 8:40 PM Kevin Rushforth <
>>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>>> This seems related, but somewhat tangential. A Control's "graphic"
>>>> isn't
>>>> a child node, just like a Shape's "clip" isn't a child node.
>>>> Creating a separate "document graph" (or "logical graph") sounds like
>>>> an
>>>> interesting idea, but it would bring its own set of challenges. And it
>>>> wouldn't directly solve this case anyway.
>>>> -- Kevin
>>>> On 12/1/2022 9:42 AM, Michael Strauß wrote:
>>>> > There's a larger picture here: from a user perspective, there's a
>>>> > difference between the scene graph and the "document graph".
>>>> > The document graph is what users actually work with, for example by
>>>> > setting the `Labeled.graphic` property. In some cases, document nodes
>>>> > don't correspond to scene nodes at all (`MenuItem` or `Tab` come to
>>>> > mind).
>>>> > The document graph is later inflated into a scene graph of unknown
>>>> > structure (because skins are mostly black boxes with regards to their
>>>> > internal structure).
>>>> >
>>>> > I've proposed an enhancement that would make the document graph a
>>>> > first-class citizen:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > With this in place, we could simply disallow the same node appearing
>>>> > multiple times in the document graph, which would not only solve the
>>>> > problem for `Labeled`, but for all controls with a similar problem.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 6:17 PM John Hendrikx <john.hendrikx at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >> The mechanism does seem like it is a bit poorly designed, as it is
>>>> easy to create inconsistencies.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Luckily it seems that you can't remove a graphic yourself from a
>>>> Control (getChildren is protected).
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I don't think there is an easy solution though...
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I think that once you set a graphic on a Labeled, you need to
>>>> somehow mark it as "in use". Normally you could just check parent != null
>>>> for this, but it is trickier than that. The Skin ultimately determines if
>>>> it adds the graphic as child, which may be delayed or may even be disabled
>>>> (content display property is set to showing TEXT only).
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Perhaps Skins should always add the graphic and just hide it
>>>> (visible false, managed false), but that's going to be hard to enforce.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Marking the graphic as "in use" could be done with:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> - a property in `getProperties`
>>>> >> - a new "owner" or "ownedBy" property
>>>> >> - allowing "parent" to be set without adding it to children
>>>> (probably going to mess up stuff)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --John
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