Mention of the CSS properties in JavaDocs

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Sat Feb 12 18:25:25 UTC 2022

Would it be a custom doclet that was part of the OpenJFX project and require no changes to the javadoc tool?


> On Feb 12, 2022, at 9:52 AM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
> While something like this could be handy, I doubt that adding this much knowledge of JavaFX into the javadoc tool would gain any traction.
> -- Kevin
> On 2/9/2022 7:11 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When reviewing the docs changes to TabPane, I saw that some properties
>> mention the CSS that is related to them. I was wondering if we could
>> standardize it through something like a @css tag that is given the css
>> string constant, or read automatically through the CssMetaData.
>> As an example:
>>     /**
>>      * Specifies the maximum width of a tab.
>>      * ...
>>      * @css -fx-tab-max-width
>>      * @defaultValue 10
>>      */
>> If the javadoc tool has access to these during its runtime, it can read the
>> string by looking in the getCssMetaData() override of the property and then
>> read the first argument of the CssMetaData constructor.
>> Thoughts?

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