RFR: 8274066: Polygon filled outside its area when very large coordinates are used [v2]

Laurent Bourgès lbourges at openjdk.java.net
Thu Jan 13 15:24:34 UTC 2022

On Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:04:00 GMT, Laurent Bourgès <lbourges at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Changelog for this MarlinFX release:
>> The Marlin-renderer release provides bug fixes on Marlin's path clipper:
>> - improved Stroker to handle huge coordinates, up to 1E15
>> - improved PathClipFilter (filler) to handle huge coordinates, up to 1E15
>> This is the Marlin-renderer release providing few bug / enhancement fixes in the MarlinRenderingEngine:
>> - Update DPQS to latest OpenJDK 14 patch
>> - Improve cubic curve offset computation
>> The Marlin-renderer release provides a single long-standing bug fix in the MarlinRenderingEngine: 
>> - JDK-8230728, https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230728.
>> Marlin-renderer provides only a single bug fix in the path clipper, reported first against JavaFX 11: 
>> - JDK-8226789, https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226789.
>> This is the Marlin-renderer 0.9.4 release providing an updated Dual Pivot Quick Sort (19.05) as its internal sorter faster than the Marlin's optimized MergeSort (x-position + edge indices) for arrays larger than 256.
>> Special Thanks to Vladimir Yaroslavskiy that provided me up-to-date DPQS 19.05 with many variants, improving almost-sorted datasets. We are collaborating to provide a complete Sort framework (15 algorithms, many various datasets, JMH benchmarks) publicly on github:
>> see https://github.com/bourgesl/nearly-optimal-mergesort-code
> Laurent Bourgès has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   added test for huge polygon coords

I advocate I did not give more information on the current patch. Do you need a detailled change log ?

Concerning DualPivotQuicksort20191112Ext, it was developped in collaboration with Vladimir to have a new sort algorithm based on two int arrays: a[] vector contains crossing x positions, b[] vector contains the edge indices. Both arrays are returned sorted by a (positions) to satisfy my MergeSort.

It was developped in the following repository (intensively tested like the current DPQS in jdk17 or the new proposed patch for JDK19?): https://github.com/bourgesl/nearly-optimal-mergesort-code

Here are java2d results with complex random polygons (1k to 100k random segments):
from https://github.com/bourgesl/marlin-renderer/releases/tag/v0_9_4_b2
It mostly fixes performance in case of insanely complex polygons; but it could happen with large text blocks + complex fonts or overly detailed maps.



PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/674

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