JavaFX Launch Failure on Ubuntu from JNI

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jan 19 20:42:59 UTC 2022

FWIW,  in a draft of my earlier reply, I had written a comment pointing 
out that JavaFX is only supported with modules. I didn't include it, 
because I think it very unlikely that that's related to the problem.

I think a simple reproducer will be most helpful in tracking this down.

-- Kevin

On 1/19/2022 12:13 PM, Matthias Bläsing wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, dem 19.01.2022 um 13:49 -0600 schrieb Michael Hall:
>>> They are included in the classpath.  I'm not using modules.
>> This one <>
>> Says…
>> The Warning
>> JavaFX only supports being loaded as named modules. In other words, JavaFX only supports being loaded from the module-path, not the class-path.
> Unsupported != does not work!
> At this point in time Apache NetBeans loads JavaFX from classpath and
> it works.
> And before people throw fire at me, doing this revealed at least two
> implementation issues, that would have bitten anyone running JavaFX
> with a semi-complex module setup, but the classpath case is just so
> much more realistic for an applicatin, that tries to work on JDK 8-17.
> Greetings
> Matthias

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