Question about fatal JavaFX crashes

Philip Race philip.race at
Fri Mar 18 17:25:29 UTC 2022

I think it is probable that this is a hotspot VM problem in the C2 JIT 
compiler code.

I've moved your bug report to hotspot :
The interesting question isn't about which version of FX used to work.
It is what was the last working version of the JDK.
It looks a bit like a JDK 17 bug from the evidence so far so if
you were running FX 17 on JDK 17 GA you maybe have picked up a later 
update release  of JDK 17 along with FX 18 ??

Regardless this doesn't look like an FX bug.
But unless you can actually provide a test case, or, by luck the hotspot 
folks recognise the issue,
I don't know what can/will happen.


On 3/18/22 7:08 AM, Daniel Peintner wrote:
> Hi John, all,
> Thanks for your detailed reply.
> I submitted a bug report with detailed information.
> - Run a different Java version
> I tried different versions and vendors with the same result.
> * OpenJDK 17.0.1
> * Zulu 17.0.2
> * I wanted to check also JDK18-ea but gradle does not yet support it
>> - Try switching to a different GC
>> - Use different VM options (are you using anything special?)
>> - Anything else that is not often used, non-standard or experimental,
>> try going to a more common setup
> I use no specific setting, all is default.
> I have been reading that the -client flag might help in some cases but
> unfortunately this flag is no longer taken into account for 64bit JVMS.
> Thanks,
> -- Daniel
>> --John
>> On 18/03/2022 09:43, Daniel Peintner wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I take the liberty to ask on the email reflector if there are other
>> people
>>> with similar problems.
>>> Since updating my application to JavaFX18 I get random fatal crashes.
>>> Unfortunately it is not predictable but after some time the app crashes
>>> The hs_error_pidX reports the following.
>>> ---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------
>>> Current thread (0x0000016be9c9b410):  JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0"
>>> daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3068,
>>> stack(0x000000393e800000,0x000000393e900000)]
>>> Current CompileTask:
>>> C2:10515286 18185       4
>>   javafx.scene.control.TableView$5::onChanged
>>> (1049 bytes)
>>> Am I the only one seeing this?
>>> I am not sure if this relates to changing JavaFX 17 to 18 or whether it
>>> makes it just more likely.
>>> It seems to be related to "javafx.scene.control.TableView$5::onChanged"
>>> since all crashes show this line.
>>> Having said that, I cannot provide a test-case since it happens all of a
>>> sudden and sometimes after hours using the application.
>>> I am open to any feedback or input on how to proceed best.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- Daniel

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