AW: Fix for gestures and multitouch on linux

Lewalder, Sebastian S.Lewalder at
Thu May 12 07:06:01 UTC 2022

Hello everybody,

did anyone take a look at the implementation?
Is that something that is of value and could be incorporated in openjfx? 
Can we improve it in any way?

Kind Regards,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev-retn at> Im Auftrag von Anafinow, Andrej
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. März 2022 08:53
An: openjfx-dev at
Betreff: Fix for gestures and multitouch on linux

we have a problem with multitouch and gestures on Linux and JavaFx17.
This is also described here:
The sample project "GestureEventsExample" at does not work either.
We looked at the code and fixed the problem.
See our commit at
With these changes, the above example works.
The following touch and multi-touch functions were tested: Rotate, Zoom, Scroll and LongPress.
Our current problem was actually about controlling the Openlayers map in a WebView with gestures on a touch monitor.
All the above functions work without any problems.
We would like to ask the community to take a look at our changes and maybe test them Regards, Andrej

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