Looked-up color fails for -fx-background-color in JavaFX CSS file

John Hendrikx john.hendrikx at gmail.com
Thu May 19 02:52:11 UTC 2022

I've tried the attached code as well, and I've been unable to reproduce 
it. I even modified the code a bit to clear and set the stylesheet every 
frame, and it runs fine. Also used the debugger a bit to see what's 
going on in CssStyleHelper#calculateValue but didn't see any obvious flaws.

If you want, you could put a breakpoint on line 1634 in that class (just 
after #calculateValue's "catch(ClassCastException)") and see if you can 
see something odd going on. The stack trace might be useful to have, and 
perhaps why it occured if you could dig a bit deeper.

The only way I could get it to fail is to put an actual bad value in 
"-theme-button". Are you doing anything else special while running the 
code? Or do you have a different example case that shows the problem?


On 18/05/2022 18:05, Davide Perini wrote:
> Yes, I'm sorry, that was the issue.
> Thanks
> Davide
> Il 18/05/2022 14:10, Kevin Rushforth ha scritto:
>> Hi Davide,
>> Are you referring to https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8268657 ?
>> I just tried it again, and it works fine for me.
>> -- Kevin
>> On 5/18/2022 4:12 AM, Davide Perini wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> someone else opened an issue in past on this problem.
>>> I have the exact same problem:
>>> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2021-June/030723.html 
>>> Kevin closed the issue because it was not able to reproduce but I 
>>> can reproduce it on JavaFX 18.0.1
>>> Can you double check it please?
>>> Thanks
>>> Davide

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