@font-face question

Thiago Milczarek Sayão thiago.sayao at gmail.com
Fri May 20 21:06:57 UTC 2022


I want to have one font that is "regular" and a variation of the same font
as "bold", used when specified "-fx-font-weight: bold".

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Gotham Condensed';
    src: url('../fonts/GothamCondensed-Book.otf');

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Gotham Condensed Bold';
    src: url('../fonts/GothamCondensed-Bold.otf');

.text {
    -fx-font-family: 'Gotham Condensed';

I have searched online and there are many variations such as:

- @font-face "font-family" is ignored and you have to use the real font
- If you use 'Bold' as a suffix, javafx will use it as bold;
- you have to specify "font-weight: bold" on the @font-face

The last one is what seems that the CSS specs says, but does not seem to

Is it possible?


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