Conveyor: a new packaging tool

Mike Hearn mike at
Wed Nov 2 14:22:40 UTC 2022


I hope this is of interest to the OpenJFX community. Conveyor is a new
packaging tool that launched a few months ago. It's similar to jpackage,
except with some useful additional features:

   - Handles online updates.
   - You can build for every OS from your own choice of OS:
      - Cross-builds and cross-signs packages (i.e. you can sign and
      notarize Mac packages from Windows, Windows packages from Mac, etc).
      - Does icon conversion for you.
      - Generates the needed CSRs if you want to buy certificates.
      - Very good for Linux CI.
   - Generates a download/updates site for you, with a big green button
   that detects the user's CPU/OS.
   - Configured via HOCON instead of CLI arguments.
   - Can do self-signed packages, if you don't want to buy certificates.
   The user is given instructions for how to install the app on the download
   - Integrates with jlink and jdeps to minimize the bundled JVM.

You can learn more here:

There's an example of how to use it with the AtlantaFX Sampler app:

Look at the conveyor.conf file at the top level. It also has a `generate`
command that can make a simple JavaFX hello world app with packaging

It's free for open source projects. I hope it proves useful !

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