Signing shared libraries and questions about loading
Armin Schrenk
armin.schrenk at
Mon Nov 21 16:08:29 UTC 2022
Oh, thanks, didn't knew that. I tried the JMOD files provided by Gloun
company with a local build. Works!
But how can this be integrated into an automatic/CI build? Using a more
or less arbitrary url pointing to a third-party website downloading a
zip file of unknown structure would result in a "ducktape build" and is
not very resilient against any changes. Furthermore, some build systems
(i.e., ubuntu-ppa) do not allow external downloads.
Does automatic build examples exist which are jlinking JFX to a custom JRE?
Best wishes,
Am 16/11/2022 um 15:39 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
> Leaving aside the question of signed libraries, if you are using
> jpackage / jlink to create a custom Java runtime with the JavaFX
> modules, then you should use the JMODs bundles and not the artifacts
> from Maven central. The maven modules are a handy convenience for
> developers, but not recommend for creating packaged applications.
> -- Kevin
> On 11/16/2022 6:29 AM, Armin Schrenk wrote:
>> Hello,
>> for our application, a customer reported that the shared libraries
>> (in this case DLLs) used by JFX are unsigned and thus were blocked
>> from loading, which blocks the app from starting. The culprit for
>> blocking is a new security feature for Windows 11, Smart App Control
>> (
>> Since this feature seems to be a future part of Windows, i suggest to
>> sign the shared libs before the maven release. In our case, the
>> archive javafx-graphics-*-win.jar contains the DLLs.
>> Apart from this feature request, we want to fix the issue on our
>> side. To do that, I investigated into the sharedLib loading of JFX.
>> SharedLib Loading is in JFX is done with the NativeLibLoader
>> (
>> It does the following to load the native lib:
>> 1. Load the DLLs from a certain path (see below)
>> 2. On Failure, load the DLLs from a resource (aka the jar) by
>> extracting them to a cache directory and load them from there
>> 3. On Failure, do other stuff not of interest
>> Our app is modular (or as much as possible), thus, the DLLs were
>> always loaded from the resource. But this extract-and-cache approach
>> is unsatisfying from our point of view. The app uses a custom JRE via
>> jlink and is packaged with jpackage, and we would like to place the
>> sharedLibs at build time somewhere in the app directory.
>> So I had to figure out the where to place the DLLs, or more
>> specifically, what path is checked in Step 1 of shared libLoading.
>> Reading the inline comment starting at line 117, it should be the
>> same dir as the jar is placed. Unfortunately, this is not the case
>> and i had to dig more through the code to find out.
>> Our app has the following structure:
>> |- JarsAndMods
>> | - Mods
>> | - modul1.jar
>> | - modul2.jar
>> | - ...
>> | - javafx-graphics-XXX-win.jar
>> | - ...
>> | - nonModular1.jar
>> | - nonModular2.jar
>> | - ...
>> |- executable
>> According to the comment, the path to place all DLLs should be
>> /JarsAndMods/Mods.
>> But verbose logging showed and later proofed by the code, it has to
>> be /JarsAndMods/bin.
>> My questions are:
>> Why does JFX require only for Windows the `../bin` directory?
>> Additionally, this inline comment has a FIXME that Step 1 of
>> SharedLibLoading should be removed in the future. Is there already an
>> ETA?
>> And lastly, I would love to see some Documentation for this. I can
>> write it and create the PR, but where should it be placed?
>> Best wishes,
>> Armin
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