[External] : Re: Discussion: Naming API method

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Wed Nov 23 13:37:43 UTC 2022

That seems reasonable to me, so let's stick with "when".

-- Kevin

On 11/21/2022 4:21 PM, John Hendrikx wrote:
> I'm still leaning towards just "when" mainly because its short and, 
> although perhaps not 100% accurate, recognizable enough like `map` or 
> `flatMap` would be.  I think once it is in a bit more common use, it 
> will be quite clear what it does and what it is intended for without 
> needing to be reminded of its exact workings (in so far that's even 
> possible with just a few words) every time.
> Other names may look odd when combined with the actual boolean you are 
> switching on, but if I had to pick a longer version I think 
> "activeWhen" or "onlyWhen" would work as well. The Skin sample might 
> look a bit odd though "activeWhen(active)" but the boolean can be 
> given a different name: "activeWhen(inUse)".
> --John
> On 22/11/2022 00:30, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> Maybe "updatedWhen" would work, although I still like "activeWhen" or 
>> simply "when" better. The problem that has been raised about 
>> "updateWhen" is that it isn't really the right verb tense. What we 
>> want is a binding that is updated (or active) when the condition 
>> evaluates to true. The value itself isn't necessarily updated unless 
>> the source of the binding has been updated, and the name "updateWhen" 
>> might imply that it is.
>> John: of the various choices, which one(s) do you like best?
>> -- Kevin
>> On 11/21/2022 3:18 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>> My proposal in the PR was 'updateWhen', which I prefer over 
>>> observedWhen and activeWhen. Just 'when' is also fine by me and 
>>> prefered over 'when'.
>>> My only problem with 'when'/'whenever' is that they don't say what 
>>> happens "when"/"whenever". However, since these are bindings, and 
>>> what bindings do is update a bound value based on the binding, it's 
>>> rather hinted what happens.
>>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 1:03 AM Kevin Rushforth 
>>> <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>     My initial reaction is that I like the name "activeWhen" at
>>>     least as
>>>     well as any of the alternatives discussed so far. It's less
>>>     wordy than
>>>     "observedWhen" (which I suggested), and probably easier to
>>>     describe. I
>>>     don't really care for using the term "scope".
>>>     I also think "when" or "whenever" are acceptable, but I know
>>>     some don't
>>>     like them.
>>>     I think the leading candidates are:
>>>     activeWhen
>>>     whenever
>>>     when
>>>     observedWhen
>>>     Unless someone can come up with a better name that can be easily
>>>     described, I recommend picking one of these.
>>>     -- Kevin
>>>     On 11/21/2022 2:36 PM, Michael Strauß wrote:
>>>     > Thanks for your clarifications.
>>>     > Maybe the actual problem is that we don't have a good name for
>>>     "gets
>>>     > the current value, but doesn't subscribe to updates".
>>>     > We could call bindings "active" when changes of the source
>>>     value are
>>>     > processed, and "inactive" if the binding exists, but doesn't
>>>     process
>>>     > changes.
>>>     > With a documented definition of "active", the method could
>>>     simply be
>>>     > named `activeWhen`.
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 10:57 PM John Hendrikx
>>>     <john.hendrikx at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>     >> Hi Michael,
>>>     >>
>>>     >> Thanks for your suggestion.
>>>     >>
>>>     >> The effect is not quite what you describe however, as the
>>>     initial value
>>>     >> when the operation is first invoked is retained. It's true
>>>     however that
>>>     >> when the condition is always `false` that the value will be a
>>>     constant,
>>>     >> and that when it is always `true` it effectively is just a
>>>     duplicate of
>>>     >> the left hand observable.  Let me illustrate:
>>>     >>
>>>     >>       public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>     >>         StringProperty sp = new SimpleStringProperty("foo");
>>>     >>         BooleanProperty active = new
>>>     SimpleBooleanProperty(false); //
>>>     >> inactive
>>>     >>         ObservableValue<String> x = sp.when(active);  //
>>>     holds "foo"
>>>     >> despite being inactive
>>>     >>
>>>     >>         System.out.println(x.getValue());  // prints "foo"
>>>     >>
>>>     >>         sp.set("bar");
>>>     >>
>>>     >>         System.out.println(x.getValue());  // still prints "foo"
>>>     >>
>>>     >>         active.set(true);
>>>     >>
>>>     >>         System.out.println(x.getValue());  // prints "bar"
>>>     >>       }
>>>     >>
>>>     >> This behavior doesn't violate the rule that the new binding
>>>     shouldn't
>>>     >> observe its source when the condition is false as no listener was
>>>     >> involved to get the initial value.  The initial value is
>>>     important as
>>>     >> all bindings must have some kind of value. The docs do
>>>     describe this in
>>>     >> the first sentence:
>>>     >>
>>>     >> "Returns an {@code ObservableValue} that holds this value and
>>>     is updated
>>>     >> only when {@code condition} holds {@code true}"
>>>     >>
>>>     >> I think `withScope` could work (or `scopedTo`) but not sure
>>>     if "scope"
>>>     >> itself is a good description -- we'd need to update the
>>>     description to
>>>     >> use the word scope in a way that makes clear what it does
>>>     preferably
>>>     >> without having to resort to "updated only when" or "only
>>>     observes when":
>>>     >> ie: "Returns an ObservableValue that is scoped to the given
>>>     condition" ?
>>>     >>
>>>     >> --John
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