RFR: 8287822: [macos] Remove support of duplicated formats from macOS

Andy Goryachev angorya at openjdk.org
Tue Oct 11 15:48:39 UTC 2022

On Tue, 11 Oct 2022 00:01:18 GMT, Alexander Matveev <almatvee at openjdk.org> wrote:

> - Added support for JAR and JRT protocol to AVFoundation platform.
>  - Removed H.264/MP3 and AAC support from GStreamer platform, which was primary used to playback these formats for JAR and JRT protocols.
>  - Added ability to FXMediaPlayer sample to generate playlist for JAR and JRT protocols for testing. See FXMedia.java for how to use it.
>  - H.265/HEVC via JAR/JRT protocols should work on macOS after this change. Before it did not work because GStreamer platform did not support H.265/HEVC and AVFoundation did not support JAR/JRT protocols.
>  - Minor code clean up.
> After this changes:
> GSTPlatform: AIFF and WAV for all protocols.
> AVFoundation: MP3, AAC, HLS, H.264 and H.265 for all protocols.
> This change is transparent for end user and does not affect list of supported formats by JavaFX Media.

Changes requested by angorya (Author).

modules/javafx.media/src/main/native/jfxmedia/Locator/Locator.cpp line 73:

> 71:     if (javaEnv.clearException())
> 72:         return NULL;
> 73: 

minor: would it make sense to wrap return in { }, line 67 and 72?

tests/manual/media/FXMediaPlayer/src/fxmediaplayer/FXMediaPlayer.java line 165:

> 163: 
> 164:         // Create Media, MediaPlayer, MediaView and ImageView
> 165:         System.out.println("FXMediaPlayer source: " + source);

probably needs to be removed?

tests/manual/media/FXMediaPlayer/src/fxmediaplayer/media/FXMedia.java line 66:

> 64:  * [Windows] jlink --output dist/FXMediaPlayer -p ../../../../build/jmods;dist --add-modules javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.media,javafx.graphics,FXMediaPlayer --launcher FXMediaPlayer=FXMediaPlayer/fxmediaplayer.FXMediaPlayer
> 65:  * [Windows] dist\FXMediaPlayer\bin\FXMediaPlayer.bat
> 66:  */

minor: this javadoc will likely not render as expected.  perhaps use <pre> from line 50 to 61 or 65.
also, spelling "protcol" on line 50

tests/manual/media/FXMediaPlayer/src/fxmediaplayer/media/FXMedia.java line 97:

> 95:                 uri = FXMedia.class.getResource("/fxmediaplayer/media").toURI();
> 96: 
> 97:                 if (uri.getScheme().equals("jar")) {

is it possible for uri scheme to be null?
may be "jar".equals(uri.getScheme()) ?

tests/manual/media/FXMediaPlayer/src/fxmediaplayer/media/FXMedia.java line 131:

> 129:             });
> 130:         } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException ex) {
> 131:             System.out.println("Exception: " + ex);

should System.out be removed?

general question: do we want to use logging in places like this?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/909

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