RFR: 8290040: Provide simplified deterministic way to manage listeners [v2]

John Hendrikx john.hendrikx at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 13:53:53 UTC 2022

Please ignore the explanation below it is incorrect (I forgot that 
conditional and new observable reference each other).

I've updated the comment on Github, not sure if these edits will show on 
the mailinglist.


On 01/09/2022 15:14, John Hendrikx wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:04:31 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlisker at openjdk.org> wrote:
>>> John Hendrikx has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>>>    Rename showing property to shown as it is already used in subclasses
>> modules/javafx.base/src/main/java/javafx/beans/value/ObservableValue.java line 266:
>>> 264:      * {@code condition} evaluates to {@code true}. This allows this {@code ObservableValue}
>>> 265:      * and the conditional {@code ObservableValue} to be garbage collected if neither is
>>> 266:      * otherwise strongly referenced when {@code condition} becomes {@code false}.
>> What happens if they are GC'd and the conditional becomes `true` later?
> There are three objects involved here: the parent observable, the new observable and the conditional.
> What `when` should achieve is to make the new observable easy to garbage collect when the conditional is `false` (the parent observable is considered to be long lived so GC doesn't really apply there).  The conditional itself is referred to by the new observable, so it lives at least as long as the new observable (but possibly longer).
> If the new observable is GC'd, then it doesn't matter what conditional is; if it becomes `true`, it would normally cause new observable to update its value, but as new observable doesn't exist anymore, and nobody referred to it, nobody is interested.  If it was already `true` then the new observable couldn't have been GC'd as parent observable would be referring to it.
> Strong references look like this when conditional is `true`:
>        conditional <-- new observable <--> parent observable
> When it is `false`:
>       conditional <-- new observable --> parent observable
> In the first case, GC could only happen if new observable and parent observable are both unreferenced -- as the parent is probably a much longer lived property, this means a whole window is closed or the application is exiting or some such.
> In the second case, GC of new observable can happen if it is unreferenced; this could happen when a small piece of UI is replaced with another piece leaving the old piece (and all its bindings) 'orphaned'.  It would not happen if it simply became invisible, as it would still be a child of the larger UI involved, and this child would in turn refer to new observable through a binding.
> -------------
> PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/830

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