Linux IME work

Thiago Milczarek Sayão thiago.sayao at
Sat Apr 22 14:21:01 UTC 2023


I would like to make Linux IME work again.
Ongoing work here:

Since I am not an IME user myself I'm not qualified to say when "It's
ready" so I need feedback to continue.

But with use case examples I can try myself and get it fixed until it's

This is also a step to get rid of X11 calls and make space for Wayland.

If anyone is willing to provide feedback, please do it on the PR.

-- Thiago.

Em seg., 3 de abr. de 2023 às 08:32, Thiago Milczarek Sayão <
thiago.sayao at> escreveu:

> I have submitted a Draft PR here:
> It's not 100% right yet, I need some feedback to work on it.
> Em seg., 20 de mar. de 2023 às 09:50, Thiago Milczarek Sayão <
> thiago.sayao at> escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on IME (Input Method Editor) on Linux as the current solution
>> using XIM is probably not working and XIM is known to be outdated.
>> I'm basing it on
>> Which is built on top of Ibus (Intelligent Input Bus). To
>> my understanding there's an option for XIM too.
>> I'm testing it using Japanese and Anthy. For now it's compiling and
>> sending IME commits to a TextArea but not deleting preedits (have to figure
>> it out how to do it).
>> It's a land I started to explore (and I know nothing outside the
>> latin-based languages). I'm looking for use cases or samples I can use to
>> test.
>> It's also a work to eliminate X11 calls so we can support wayland.
>> Cheers
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