Center text in a table once a button has been added dynamically

Davide Perini perini.davide at
Mon Aug 14 14:01:49 UTC 2023

I answer my self for posters...

.table-view .table-cell {

done the trick.


Il 14/08/2023 15:34, Davide Perini ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> hope that someone can help with this :)
> I have a TableView like this:
> If I add a remove button in the table like this:
> private TableColumn<Satellite, Void>getSatelliteVoidTableColumn() {
>      TableColumn<Satellite, Void> colBtn =new TableColumn<>("");
>      colBtn.setMaxWidth(Constants.REMOVE_BTN_TABLE);
>      Callback<TableColumn<Satellite, Void>, TableCell<Satellite, Void>> cellFactory =new Callback<>() {
>          @Override public TableCell<Satellite, Void>call(final TableColumn<Satellite, Void> param) {
>              return new TableCell<>() {
>                  private final Buttonbtn =new Button(Constants.UNICODE_X);
>                  {
>                      btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
>                          Satellite data = getTableView().getItems().get(getIndex());
>                          populateFields(data);
>                          satellitesTableData.remove(data);
>                      });
>                  }
>                  @Override public void updateItem(Void item,boolean empty) {
>                      super.updateItem(item, empty);
>                      if (empty) {
>                          setGraphic(null);
>                      }else {
>                          setGraphic(btn);
>                      }
>                  }
>              };
>          }
>      };
>      colBtn.setCellFactory(cellFactory);
>      return colBtn;
> }
> TableColumn<Satellite, Void> colBtn = getSatelliteVoidTableColumn();
> satelliteTable.getColumns().add(0, colBtn);
> The text inside the cell of the table is not vertically centered.
> How can I center it?
> Thanks
> Davide
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