RFR: 8313556: Create implementation of NSAccessibilitySlider protocol [v2]

Ambarish Rapte arapte at openjdk.org
Wed Aug 30 14:24:20 UTC 2023

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 20:14:44 GMT, Alexander Zuev <kizune at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Create implementation for Slider and Stepper accessibility protocols.
>> Fix mapping.
>> Fix performAction parameter type in declaration.
> Alexander Zuev has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   Add commented out debug statements.

I observed few warnings and behavioral differences.
- Warnings:
1. modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/native-glass/mac/a11y/JFXSliderAccessibility.m:32:17: warning: method 'accessibilityFrame' in protocol 'NSAccessibilityElement' not implemented [-Wprotocol]
2. modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/native-glass/mac/a11y/JFXSliderAccessibility.m:32:17: warning: method 'accessibilityParent' in protocol 'NSAccessibilityElement' not implemented [-Wprotocol]
3. modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/native-glass/mac/a11y/JFXStepperAccessibility.m:32:17: warning: method 'accessibilityFrame' in protocol 'NSAccessibilityElement' not implemented [-Wprotocol]
4. modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/native-glass/mac/a11y/JFXStepperAccessibility.m:32:17: warning: method 'accessibilityParent' in protocol 'NSAccessibilityElement' not implemented [-Wprotocol]
5. modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/native-glass/mac/a11y/AccessibleBase.m:247:21: warning: 'NSObject' may not respond to 'clearParent'

- Behavior differences: 
1. Spinner: Changed values are not read by VoiceOver when we increase or decrease the value using arrow keys or  using Ctrl + Option + Up/Down keys ( Tested with Spinner app in Ensemble )
2. Slider: Values are read without % as suffix ( Tested with Styled tool bar app in Ensemble )


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1226#issuecomment-1699283284

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