Reflective discovery of styleable properties

Michael Strauß michaelstrau2 at
Mon Dec 4 06:02:00 UTC 2023

Following up the discussion around the CssMetaData API, I'd like to
chime in with yet another idea. To recap, here's Nir's summary of the
current API [0]:

"Let's look at what implementation is required from a user who wants
to write their own styleable control:
1. Create styleable properties.
2. Create a list of these properties to be passed on.
3. Create a public static method that returns the concatenation of
this list with the one of its parent. (This method happens to be
poorly documented, as mstr said.)
4. Create a public non-static method that calls the static method in a
forced-override pattern because otherwise you will be calling the
wrong static method. (This method's docs seem to be just wrong because
you don't always want to delegate to Node's list.)"

I think this could reasonably be replaced with the following
implementation requirements:
1. Create styleable properties.
2. That's it.

Let's look at what we're actually trying to do: create a list of
CSS-styleable property metadata of a class. But we can easily do that
without all of the boilerplate code.

When ´Node.getCssMetaData()` is invoked, all public methods of the
class are reflectively enumerated, and metadata is retrieved from
`Property` and `StyleableProperty` getters. This is a price that's
only paid once for any particular class (i.e. not for every instance).
The resulting metadata list is cached and reused for all instances of
that particular class.

As a further optimization, metadata lists are also cached and
deduplicated for Control/Skin combinations (currently every Control
instance has its own copy of the metadata list).

Another benefit of this approach is that the CssMetaData can now be
co-located with the property implementation, and not be kept around in
other parts of the source code file. Here's how that looks like when a
new "myValue" property is added to MyClass:

    StyleableDoubleProperty myValue =
            new SimpleStyleableDoubleProperty(this, "myValue") {

        static final CssMetaData<MyClass, Number> METADATA =
            new CssMetaData<MyClass, Number>(
                USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) {
            public boolean isSettable(MyClass node) {
                return !node.myValue.isBound();

            public StyleableProperty getStyleableProperty(
                    MyClass node) {
                return node.myValue;

        public CssMetaData getCssMetaData() {
            return METADATA;

    public final DoubleProperty myValueProperty() {
        return myValue;

It is not required to override the `getCssMetaData()` method, nor is
it required to redeclare a new static `getClassCssMetaData()` method.
It is also not required to manually keep the list of styleable
properties in sync with the list of CSS metadata.

I've prototyped this concept for the `Node`, `Region` and `Control` classes [1].


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