[External] : Re: Reflective discovery of styleable properties

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Thu Dec 7 16:07:23 UTC 2023

I haven't looked at this proposal yet, but there are some interesting 
ideas here worth further discussion.

I just wanted to weigh in on the cssref piece. As Andy indicated, 
cssref.html is the normative specification for JavaFX CSS properties. 
And no, it can't be (fully) auto-generated.

The only way I could imagine tooling being involved is to auto-generate 
the individual property tables for including in the html somehow (which 
would need some sort of javadoc-inspired facility to add comments in the 
table, etc). And while an interesting concept, it would likely be a 
rather large effort for relatively little gain.

-- Kevin

On 12/7/2023 7:48 AM, Andy Goryachev wrote:
> > I think that the CSS reference should be generated from the source 
> code, which is something the annotation processor can do.
> Surely, you don't suggest we should change the CSS ref?
> https://openjfx.io/javadoc/21/javafx.graphics/javafx/scene/doc-files/cssref.html
> I subscribe to a school of thought that requires specifications 
> written by humans for humans.  The CSS reference is, in my opinion, an 
> authoritative source, so I would be against developing any tooling 
> that generates it from the source code.
> -andy
> *From: *Nir Lisker <nlisker at gmail.com>
> *Date: *Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 01:54
> *To: *Andy Goryachev <andy.goryachev at oracle.com>
> *Cc: *Michael Strauß <michaelstrau2 at gmail.com>, openjfx-dev 
> <openjfx-dev at openjdk.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [External] : Re: Reflective discovery of styleable 
> properties
>      - I would recommend against the scanner figuring out the property
>     name: the property > names are codified by the CSS reference which
>     serves as a normative document in this case
> I think that the CSS reference should be generated from the source 
> code, which is something the annotation processor can do.
>     - isSettable() logic might be more complex than (prop == null &&
>     !(prop.isBound)), see Node.translateXProperty. How would that work
>     with annotations?
> From what John said, you can fall back to the CSSMetaData way if the 
> defaults are not good for you.
> On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 6:21 PM Andy Goryachev 
> <andy.goryachev at oracle.com> wrote:
>     I also like this idea very much.  Still needs a reflective
>     scanner, but it's far more easier to understand and use.
>     A couple of comments/questions:
>     - I would recommend against the scanner figuring out the property
>     name: the property names are codified by the CSS reference which
>     serves as a normative document in this case
>     - isSettable() logic might be more complex than (prop == null &&
>     !(prop.isBound)), see Node.translateXProperty.  How would that
>     work with annotations?
>     What do you think?
>     -andy
>     *From: *Nir Lisker <nlisker at gmail.com>
>     *Date: *Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 02:37
>     *To: *Andy Goryachev <andy.goryachev at oracle.com>
>     *Cc: *Michael Strauß <michaelstrau2 at gmail.com>, openjfx-dev
>     <openjfx-dev at openjdk.org>
>     *Subject: *[External] : Re: Reflective discovery of styleable
>     properties
>     I thought about the option of reflection, but I opted to propose
>     annotations instead. The following is my reasoning.
>     Firstly, reflection is very magic-y. The author of the class has
>     no indication of what side effects happen due to the code they
>     write, the output (css handling in this case) comes out of nowhere
>     from their perspective. As with other reflection cases, it is a
>     "pull" rather than "push" approach - you don't write what should
>     happen, you let someone else decide that. For writers of
>     skin/control classes, this means that they need to know exactly
>     what constitutes a hook for the reflection mechanism, or face
>     surprises. There is no compile time check that tells you whether
>     you have declared your styleable property properly or not (without
>     an external ad-hoc checker).
>     We do this somewhat with properties - any method of the form
>     "...property()" gets special treatment, but this is for the docs.
>     I don't think we have code that depends on this other than in tests.
>     Secondly, the proposed mechanism depends on the runtime type, not
>     the declared type. As a user, I see no indication in the API
>     whether a property is styleable or not. This is also (what I would
>     consider) a problem with the current state. When I thought about
>     using reflection to solve this, I at least thought to specify the
>     declared type of the property as styleable, like
>     StyleableBooleanProperty instead of BooleanProperty (restricting
>     the returned type is backwards compatible). A downside of this is
>     that it gives access to the methods of StyleableProperty, which
>     are not useful for the user, I think, but maybe someone has a use
>     for them.
>     Thirdly, maybe I want to declare a styleable property not to be
>     used automatically. I can't think off the top of my head when I
>     would want to do that, but I'm also not a heavy css user. Are we
>     sure that just initializing a property with a styleable runtime
>     type should *always* be caught by this process?
>     To compare, annotations have the following benefits:
>     Firstly, they are declarative, which means no surprises for the
>     class author (WYSIWYG). This also allows more flexibility/control
>     over which properties get special treatment via an opt-in mechanism.
>     Secondly, They can also be displayed in the JavaDocs
>     (via @Documented) with their assigned values. For example, the
>     padding property of Region can be annotated
>     with @Styleable(property="-fx-padding"), informing the user both
>     that this value can be set by css, and how to do it.
>     Interestingly, the annotation doesn't need to be public API to be
>     displayed, so we are not bound by contracts.
>     In terms of similarities:
>     In both the reflection and the annotation proposals, the steps are:
>     1. Create styleable properties.
>     2. That's it.
>     It's just that step 1 also adds an annotation to the creation of
>     the property (which was/is a 2-step process anyway, declaring the
>     property and its css metadata).
>     Annotations also require a processor to read the data from their
>     values and target (the field/method). This is a bit of work, but
>     Michael's CssMetaDataCache class is basically that - read the data
>     from the class (via reflection or annotations) and store it in a
>     map. The logic should be the same, just the method to obtain the
>     data is different. Both, as a result, have the benefits of
>     handling control/skin combinations (what I mentioned in the point
>     "Usable both in controls and in skins (or other classes)").
>     The benefit of co-locating the property and its css metadata in
>     the class itself also remains.
>     To summarize, both approaches eliminate all the clutter of writing
>     styleable properties (John, will you like to create styleable
>     properties now? [1] :) ), both apply the flexibility of caching
>     per class, both allow better structuring of the class, but they
>     read the properties differently and have a different level of
>     declarativness.
>     [1]
>     https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2023-December/044010.html
>     On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 11:21 PM Andy Goryachev
>     <andy.goryachev at oracle.com> wrote:
>         I like the idea.
>         I wonder if it is possible to reduce the amount of boilerplate
>         code?  For example, a CssMetaData can have a
>         setGetter(Function<S, StyleableProperty<V>> getter)
>         method which supplies the property reference?  This way
>         CssMetaData.isSettable(Node) and
>         CssMetaData.getStyleableProperty(Node) can be implemented in
>         the base class (there are more complicated cases, so perhaps
>         setIsSettable(Predicate<Node>) would also be required).
>         Example:
>         CssMetaData.<ControlExample,Font>of("-fx-font",
>         Font.getDefault(), (n) -> n.font)
>         Just a thought.  What do you think?
>         -andy
>         *From: *openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev-retn at openjdk.org> on behalf
>         of Michael Strauß <michaelstrau2 at gmail.com>
>         *Date: *Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 22:02
>         *To: *openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev at openjdk.org>
>         *Subject: *Reflective discovery of styleable properties
>         Following up the discussion around the CssMetaData API, I'd
>         like to
>         chime in with yet another idea. To recap, here's Nir's summary
>         of the
>         current API [0]:
>         "Let's look at what implementation is required from a user who
>         wants
>         to write their own styleable control:
>         1. Create styleable properties.
>         2. Create a list of these properties to be passed on.
>         3. Create a public static method that returns the concatenation of
>         this list with the one of its parent. (This method happens to be
>         poorly documented, as mstr said.)
>         4. Create a public non-static method that calls the static
>         method in a
>         forced-override pattern because otherwise you will be calling the
>         wrong static method. (This method's docs seem to be just wrong
>         because
>         you don't always want to delegate to Node's list.)"
>         I think this could reasonably be replaced with the following
>         implementation requirements:
>         1. Create styleable properties.
>         2. That's it.
>         Let's look at what we're actually trying to do: create a list of
>         CSS-styleable property metadata of a class. But we can easily
>         do that
>         without all of the boilerplate code.
>         When ´Node.getCssMetaData()` is invoked, all public methods of the
>         class are reflectively enumerated, and metadata is retrieved from
>         `Property` and `StyleableProperty` getters. This is a price that's
>         only paid once for any particular class (i.e. not for every
>         instance).
>         The resulting metadata list is cached and reused for all
>         instances of
>         that particular class.
>         As a further optimization, metadata lists are also cached and
>         deduplicated for Control/Skin combinations (currently every
>         Control
>         instance has its own copy of the metadata list).
>         Another benefit of this approach is that the CssMetaData can
>         now be
>         co-located with the property implementation, and not be kept
>         around in
>         other parts of the source code file. Here's how that looks
>         like when a
>         new "myValue" property is added to MyClass:
>         StyleableDoubleProperty myValue =
>                     new SimpleStyleableDoubleProperty(this, "myValue") {
>                 static final CssMetaData<MyClass, Number> METADATA =
>                     new CssMetaData<MyClass, Number>(
>         "-fx-my-value",
>         SizeConverter.getInstance(),
>         USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) {
>                     @Override
>                     public boolean isSettable(MyClass node) {
>                         return !node.myValue.isBound();
>                     }
>                     @Override
>                     public StyleableProperty getStyleableProperty(
>         MyClass node) {
>                         return node.myValue;
>                     }
>                 };
>                 @Override
>                 public CssMetaData getCssMetaData() {
>                     return METADATA;
>                 }
>             };
>             public final DoubleProperty myValueProperty() {
>                 return myValue;
>             }
>         It is not required to override the `getCssMetaData()` method,
>         nor is
>         it required to redeclare a new static `getClassCssMetaData()`
>         method.
>         It is also not required to manually keep the list of styleable
>         properties in sync with the list of CSS metadata.
>         I've prototyped this concept for the `Node`, `Region` and
>         `Control` classes [1].
>         [0]
>         https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2023-December/044046.html
>         [1] https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/1299
>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/1299__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!K7nDyvMP0PzEOLu-h9yGCoHIoSnny6LJ5acSISP81wBjJjP2z4VcDA6CIMU_Wvzxv2QJgPTsB6F9wtnzMK97$>
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