Possible to deploy patched openjfx locally?
John Hendrikx
john.hendrikx at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 10:29:47 UTC 2023
Depending on what you want to do, if you're not using modules, you can
just place a changed source file with your own sources (in their
original package) and it should override it.
What also works (without modules) is to have a Maven module that has JFX
as dependencies, and place changed source files there to override /
patch things.
It's a really fast method as you don't need to build JFX at all, and I
often use it to try out minor bug fixes, or to test small new features.
On 11/12/2023 21:58, Mark Raynsford wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm attempting to experiment with some patches to OpenJFX locally.
> Is there a straightforward way to publish the resulting jar files to my
> local ~/.m2 repository?
> There appears to be a `MAVEN_PUBLISH` property, but this just results
> in:
> $ sh gradlew -PMAVEN_PUBLISH=true sdk
> ...
> * What went wrong:
> A problem occurred configuring root project 'jfx'.
>> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':base:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':graphics:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':controls:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':swing:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':fxml:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':media:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
> > Could not find method classifier() for arguments [linux] on task
> ':web:modularPublicationJarLinux' of type
> org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.
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