Issues running SwingNodeJDialogTest on Linux

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Dec 15 21:35:39 UTC 2023

Hmm. That's odd. you could pass "-Djdk.gtk.verbose=true" and see what's 
happening on the GTK loading side. Both AWT and JavaFX will print some 
info if that system property it set.

To find out where the test process is hung you can use "jstack PID". If 
the test itself is hung, then that test would be a good candidate for 
adding a timeout parameter to the "@Test" tag.

-- Kevin

On 12/15/2023 11:36 AM, Martin Fox wrote:
> I’m having an issue with one of the robot tests on my Linux machine. Before I dig any further I could use some guidance on where to look.
> I’m running Ubuntu 22.04 on ARM64 (in a Parallels VM). The command line I’m using is:
> bash ./gradlew -PFULL_TEST=true -PUSE_ROBOT=true :systemTests:test --tests SwingNodeJDialogTest
> The truly puzzling behavior is that the test never stops executing. I’ve got it running right now and it says it’s been executing for over 40 minutes. Shouldn’t the testing framework time this out?
> Under the hood I believe that the Glass code in launcher.c is detecting that a GTK 2 library is already loaded so it bails. From what I can tell both JavaFX and Swing should default to GTK 3 so that’s also puzzling.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Martin

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