The crisp fonts saga

John Neffenger john at
Sat Dec 16 01:23:15 UTC 2023

On 12/15/23 1:40 PM, Philip Race wrote:
> I will expand on it a bit but a number of the salient points have 
> already been made by others.

Thank you, Phil, for taking the time to write down the history. I truly 
appreciate it, and it's very helpful.

Those of us outside of Oracle know the "what" about the big design 
decisions made in JavaFX, but we're often missing all of the "why." Your 
message helps to close that gap.

> Possibly (only possibly) FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT is something that could be 
> used at least in conjunction
> with LCD text on Linux if it really has no impact on string length.

Thank you, too, for noticing that!


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