Alt key sticks even after app loses focus (JDK-8090647)

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Sun Feb 12 22:23:24 UTC 2023

.. all in all of course, I'd prefer a solution that properly fixes this bug
and not have to rely on hacks that are prone to break in the future or code
that needs to circumvent encapsulation or the module system. So either one
is unlikely to be a fix I'm happy with.

Thanks for considering submitting a PR to properly fix this issue!

Kind regards,

On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 10:15 PM Pedro Duque Vieira <
pedro.duquevieira at> wrote:

> John,
> Thank you very much for submitting a work around. Unfortunately, since
> there were other higher priority bugs and features and we're very close to
> a release, I wasn't allocated time to work on this much more than sending a
> message to this mailing list to warn of the existence of this bug.
> Not sure when I can get back to this. I'll submit your suggestion to the
> dev team and if someone is allocated time to do it, I'll get back here and
> let you know if it works.
> There's also this suggestion that I forgot to mention (I haven't been able
> to test it though):
> Thanks again, kind regards,
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 10:06 PM John Hendrikx <john.hendrikx at>
> wrote:
>> I'm not sure if you are able to test this yourself, but I made a fix for
>> this problem.
>> You could potentially test it by copying the class `javafx.scene.Scene`
>> in your project (without changing the package -- and if modules will allow
>> it, I don't use them personally) and then using this piece of code:
>>     private void setWindowFocused(boolean value) {
>>         windowFocused = value;
>>         Node node = getFocusOwner();
>>         if (node != null) {
>>             node.setFocusQuietly(windowFocused, focusOwner.focusVisible);
>>             node.notifyFocusListeners();
>>         }
>>         if (windowFocused && accessible != null) {
>>             accessible.sendNotification(AccessibleAttribute.FOCUS_NODE);
>>         }
>>         if (!windowFocused) {
>> getInternalEventDispatcher().getKeyboardShortcutsHandler().setMnemonicsDisplayEnabled(false);
>>         }
>>     }
>> The last three lines are what I added. A quick test on Windows here shows
>> that the mnemonics get disabled as soon as the window loses focus, and when
>> returning, they're not responding as you'd expect.
>> I'll submit a PR as well.
>> --John
>> On 12/02/2023 15:52, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
>> The behavior on Windows is all over the place for different
>>> applications.? I tested a few I've got running:
>> Notepad, Notepad++, Eclipse:
>> - Alt-down: Shows mnemonics on menu bar
>>> - Alt-up: Highlights file menu on alt release
>>> - Alt-tab: Shows mnemonics but doesn't highlight menu when it loses
>>> focus; when returning, mnemonics still highlighted, but doesn't act on
>>> them as menu not selected
>> -> Looks buggy
>> Thunderbird / Opera / Firefox:
>> - Alt-down: nothing
>>> - Alt-up: shows menu bar (it is hidden normally)
>>> - Alt-tab: works as expected, no highlighting
>> -> Looks well behaved
>> Explorer / Excel / Wordpad:
>> - Alt-down: nothing
>>> - Alt-up: shows mnemonics
>>> - Alt-tab: works as expected, no highlighting
>> -> Looks well behaved
>> Visual Studio Code:
>> - Alt-down: Shows mnemonics on menu bar
>>> - Alt-up: Highlights file menu on alt release
>>> - Alt-tab: Shows mnemonics, but hides them once it loses focus; on
>>> return doesn't show mnemonics
>> -> Looks well behaved
>> Chrome / IntelliJ:
>> -> Looks well behaved, doesn't react to alt presses in any way
>> None of the applications tested reacted on a mnemonic key after
>>> regaining focus however, even though they may have them still
>>> highlighted (which I think is a bug).
>> In my opinion, the behavior of notepad/notepad++/eclipse is incorrect
>>> (they need to hide the mnemonics on focus lost, like Visual Studio Code
>>> does, but they don't).
>> There seems to be two correct ways of handling mnemonics in applications
>>> that use them, either:
>> a) shows mnemonics immediately on alt-down, but hide them on focus lost
>>> (if the alt-down becomes an alt-tab, or probably any other alt
>>> combination)
>> b) only show mnemonics on a naked alt-up
>> Ticket JDK-8090647 mentions a spec that has been updated, but I can't
>>> find it.? It also mentions that the behavior for JavaFX should be what I
>>> described in a), so I think this is a bug that can simply be fixed.
>> --John
>> Yap, there's quite different behaviors across apps. If you test on
>> windows 11 you'll get yet another set of different behaviors.
>> But all in all, if you: alt+tab (without release) and alt+tab again so
>> your app regains focus, you'll have the mnemonic still activated, which, as
>> you say, sounds like a bug no matter the difference in behaviors across
>> apps.
>> I agree with your suggestion: "a".
>> My client was quite disappointed and started to rant about javafx. It
>> didn't help that we were hit by a couple other bugs (perhaps bad
>> luck).  The fact that the bug was filed on 2013 (10 years later) and is
>> still happening can be quite problematic.
>> Perhaps it would make sense to review all bugs filed, giving highest
>> priority to the bugs that were submitted longer ago?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Pedro Duque Vieira -
> --
> Pedro Duque Vieira -

Pedro Duque Vieira -
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