[External] : Re: Build issue: error: option --upgrade-module-path cannot be used together with --release

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Thu Jan 19 19:29:46 UTC 2023

You're up to date with the latest jfx master, right?

Our CI builds are working fine, as are the GitHub actions builds (on all 

Oh, I see your problem.

 > error: option --upgrade-module-path cannot be used together with 

The "--upgrade-module-path" option is only set if you are running a 
build using a boot JDK that includes the JavaFX modules (see the 
"HAS_JAVAFX_MODULES" variable in build.gradle). We never build that way, 
but the code is still there to support such a build. It looks like you 
may have discovered an incompatibility with the "--release" option 
(which we recently switch to) and building the javafx.* modules for 
inclusion into a JDK build. Are you trying to build a set of JavaFX 
modules for inclusion into your own JDK build? If not, then you will 
need to get a build of the JDK that doesn't have JavaFX modules and use 
that as your boot JDK. If so, then we will need to fix the bug.

I should file a bug anyway, since the HAS_JAVAFX_MODULES case should 
still work.

The solution should be as simple as locally setting 
"project.ext.skipJavaCompilerOptionRelease = true" for all projects. The 
eventual fix is likely to do that if "HAS_JAVAFX_MODULES" is true.

-- Kevin

On 1/19/2023 10:29 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:
> Tried a gradle clean (which works fine after manually deleting the 
> stale mac_tools.properties file) and confirmed the build folder was 
> gone from the graphics module and elsewhere, no difference.  I'm 
> running the gradle wrapper, so it's using Gradle as defined by the 
> project.  I'm also usually on the bleeding edge with Gradle, so if I 
> didn't use gradlew it would have been Gradle 8.0-rc-2 :-)
> Scott
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 1:20 PM Kevin Rushforth 
> <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com> wrote:
>     I recommend removing the entire build directory (although if you
>     managed to get "gradle clean" working, then it will do that).
>     What version of gradle are you using? You will need gradle 7.6 to
>     use JDK 19.
>     -- Kevin
>     On 1/19/2023 10:17 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>>     Tried again with JDK 17.0.5, just in case... still not working.
>>     On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 3:18 PM Scott Palmer <swpalmer at gmail.com>
>>     wrote:
>>         I'm trying to build OpenJFX on my Mac. I figured out an issue
>>         with the Gradle scripts, they fail if there is a stale
>>         mac_tools.properties file. A 'clean' also fails for the same
>>         reason so you have to manually delete the file to get it to
>>         be re-built.  But now the build fails with the following error:
>>         > Task :graphics:compileJava FAILED
>>         You specified both --module-source-path and a sourcepath.
>>         These options are mutually exclusive. Ignoring sourcepath.
>>         error: option --upgrade-module-path cannot be used together
>>         with --release
>>         Usage: javac <options> <source files>
>>         use --help for a list of possible options
>>         FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>         I'm not sure why I would be seeing this error if the build is
>>         working for everyone else.  I'm using JDK 19.
>>         Any hints?
>>         Btw, the Mac section of
>>         https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/OpenJFX/Building+OpenJFX
>>         still mentions needing Mercurial.  I don't think that's true
>>         anymore.
>>         Regards,
>>         Scott
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