Toolkit decorations experiment

Dirk Lemmermann dlemmermann at
Tue Jan 31 15:12:54 UTC 2023

Since you are venturing into this space …. would love to be able to create blurred backgrounds in windows. Apple has some apps where the sidebar is semi-transparent with a strong blur effect.

> On 31 Jan 2023, at 15:15, Thiago Milczarek Sayão <thiago.sayao at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm doing some experiments with toolkit decorations (instead of platform decorations).
> The goal is to allow for modern-looking apps, with "hamburger buttons" or tabs (like firefox or chrome) on the decoration space.
> It is coming into shape (nowhere near finished). It's CSS styleable.
> Source:
> To run:
> java @build/run.args tests/manual/controls/
> It would depend on a window move + resize API sketched here:
> -- Thiago

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