Should javafx.scene.robot.Robot be able to use nested event loops?

Mark Raynsford org.openjdk at
Sat May 20 21:19:35 UTC 2023

(Apologies for what might be the third duplicate to the list; for some
reason list mail is reaching me, but none of my messages to the list
are getting through).


I've been putting together some integration tests using
javafx.scene.robot.Robot for an application. I've noticed that if the
application creates a Stage and then calls showAndWait() on it, there
appears to be no way to get a robot to send events to that stage. If
that Stage is opened during an integration test, and then manually
closed by the user, all of the events (mouse clicks, keys typed, etc)
that _would_ have been sent are immediately applied in the context of
the outer event loop.

Is this expected behaviour? The various Robot implementation classes
are suspiciously short, so I'm guessing that this is something that's
just not supported. 

Mark Raynsford |

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