javafx.base and java.desktop

Nir Lisker nlisker at
Sat Nov 18 00:06:05 UTC 2023


A previous discussion mentioned the removal of AWT dependencies. One of the
points that Kevin brought up was

 Refactor Java Beans implementation in javafx.base such that java.desktop
> is optional

John and I looked at this some time ago when we discussed the usage of the
javafx base module outside of JavaFX, as its observables/binding
capabilities are suitable for non-GUI applications, which currently have to
pull in GUI modules as dependencies.

The dependency is used in the property.adapter packages that bridge
javafx.base properties with Java Beans. I think that these classes are
seldom used.

What could be a way to deal with that dependency? Perhaps the module can be
declared 'requires static'. Or extract the adapter packages into a
different "interop" module (javafx.javabeans) like javafx.swing?

- Nir
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