My JavaFX Christmas Wishlist

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Sat Nov 18 18:30:52 UTC 2023

In the spirit of Christmas and of this thread here is my wish list 😊

1 - The number one thing I’d change would be to make JavaFX “more
extendable”. By this I mean having more hooks to extend core areas of
JavaFX (CSS parser, 3D, etc).

The reason I ask for this is because it’s much easier for an outsider to
add functionality to JavaFX by developing his own library that interfaces
with the javafx platform than it is to actually contribute code to the core
platform itself.  For a number of reasons, like: the goals of the
contributor might not align with the people managing the platform, it’s
much more work and has a much stepper learning curve to contribute code to
the platform, the core platform needs to maintain backwards compatibility,

I believe this could make JavaFX evolve faster and more.

Imagine if a JavaFX library developer could extend everything about the
JavaFX CSS engine to add functionality like layout, animations, etc, etc
(all the bells and whistles you now see in web css). Or imagine if you
could more easily extend 3D with new 3D primitives, etc..

2 – Add the possibility of specifying more than 1 stylesheet as the user
agent stylesheet (also possible with the new StyleTheme API proposal).
There’s a missing piece when it comes to allowing developers to create
custom themes: you can’t specify more than 1 stylesheet to be the user
agent stylesheet. This would be a rather easy change that I think could
provide a big value.

3 – Pixel shaders. The most stunning things in the UI space nowadays are
being created by leveraging pixel shaders. This is something that for
instance Jetpack Compose (and Skia) provides and other UI frameworks have
as well.

4 – Improve font rendering (seems to affect Windows more than Mac)

5 – Background blur

6 – JavaFX Skin having a better separation between view and controller
part. Right now you have the model (the class extending from JavaFX
Control) but you don’t have a clear View. In all javafx sdk controls both
Controller and View are present in the same Skin class.

7 – New TableView

Thanks! And Merry Christmas to everyone (although it's still more than 1
month till Christmas 😊)

Pedro Duque Vieira -

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