What about 5000 issues?

PavelTurk pavelturk2000 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 07:46:33 UTC 2024

Hello all.

I've been using JavaFX for a long time. JavaFX is great, but unfortunately rather buggy.
As a user every time I find a new bug I open new issues. So, I opened many issues.

The problem is that from all my issues only one was resolved. Today I decided to
understand what is going on. I used these settings in JavaFX issue tracker:


That showed that there are  4835 open issues for JavaFX.

Using these settings https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8328994?jql=project%20%3D%20JDK%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20component%20%3D%20javafx%20AND%20created%20%3E%3D%202024-03-01%20AND%20created%20%3C%3D%202024-03-31%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC

I found that 30 issues were created in March 2024.

And finally, using these github settings https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/commits/master/?since=2024-03-01&until=2024-03-31
I see that about 30 issues were fixed in March 2024.

If all my calculations are correct, then about 5000 (with about 3000 bugs) will never be closed.

Can someone explain why so few resources are allocated to JavaFX? Is Oracle experiencing
financial difficulties and unable to afford more? Are any measures being taken to address the situation?

Best regards, Pavel

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