RFR: 8332895: Support interpolation for backgrounds and borders [v19]

Andy Goryachev angorya at openjdk.org
Wed Aug 7 20:54:39 UTC 2024

On Wed, 7 Aug 2024 20:03:17 GMT, Michael Strauß <mstrauss at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This PR completes the CSS Transitions story (see #870) by adding interpolation support for backgrounds and borders, making them targetable by transitions.
>> `Background` and `Border` objects are deeply immutable, but not interpolatable. Consider the following `Background`, which describes the background of a `Region`:
>> Background {
>>     fills = [
>>         BackgroundFill {
>>             fill = Color.RED
>>         }
>>     ]
>> }
>> Since backgrounds are deeply immutable, changing the region's background to another color requires the construction of a new `Background`, containing a new `BackgroundFill`, containing the new `Color`.
>> Animating the background color using a CSS transition therefore requires the entire Background object graph to be interpolatable in order to generate intermediate backgrounds.
>> More specifically, the following types will now implement `Interpolatable`.
>> - `Insets`
>> - `Background`
>> - `BackgroundFill`
>> - `BackgroundImage`
>> - `BackgroundPosition`
>> - `BackgroundSize`
>> - `Border`
>> - `BorderImage`
>> - `BorderStroke`
>> - `BorderWidths`
>> - `CornerRadii`
>> - `Stop`
>> - `Paint` and all of its subclasses
>> - `Margins` (internal type)
>> - `BorderImageSlices` (internal type)
>> ## Interpolation of composite objects
>> As of now, only `Color`, `Point2D`, and `Point3D` are interpolatable. Each of these classes is an aggregate of `double` values, which are combined using linear interpolation. However, many of the new interpolatable classes comprise of not only `double` values, but a whole range of other types. This requires us to more precisely define what we mean by "interpolation".
>> Mirroring the CSS specification, the `Interpolatable` interface defines several types of component interpolation:
>> | Interpolation type | Description |
>> |---|---|
>> | default | Component types that implement `Interpolatable` are interpolated by calling the `interpolate(Object, double)}` method. |
>> | linear | Two components are combined by linear interpolation such that `t = 0` produces the start value, and `t = 1` produces the end value. This interpolation type is usually applicable for numeric components. |
>> | discrete | If two components cannot be meaningfully combined, the intermediate component value is equal to the start value for `t < 0.5` and equal to the end value for `t >= 0.5`. |
>> | pairwise | Two lists are combined by pairwise interpolation. If the start list has fewer elements than the target list, the...
> Michael Strauß has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   interpolate integers in real number space

Regarding `cssref.html`:

1. I think it might make sense to add a section after "Transitions" talking about component transitions, maybe with examples.
2. I think we should to mention interpolation behavior next to each property name somehow.  Either mark the properties that do support it, or only those that do not support.  It is already documented in javadoc, but cssref.html is a normative document for CSS.

what do you think?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1522#issuecomment-2274327067

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