Accidentally reproduced NPE in synchronizeNodes in combination with enterNestedEventLoop

John Hendrikx john.hendrikx at
Fri Aug 23 01:38:26 UTC 2024

Small sample program that triggers an assert in Parent:


publicvoidstart(Stage primaryStage) {

HBox hbox = newHBox();

Scene scene = newScene(hbox);

Button button1 = newButton("Hi");

Button button2 = newButton("World");

Button button3 = newButton("!");

hbox.getChildren().addAll(button1, button2);

hbox.getChildren().addListener(newInvalidationListener() {


publicvoidinvalidated(Observable observable) {

if(!hbox.getChildren().contains(button3)) {

hbox.getChildren().addAll(button3, button3);








On 22/08/2024 09:37, John Hendrikx wrote:
> I think I figured out the reason why this fails.  The root cause lies 
> in a misconception I've seen in a lot of FX code.
> JavaFX uses a single event thread model, which ensures all structures 
> are only ever accessed by a single thread.  This frees FX from having 
> to do synchronization on almost every modification you make to 
> properties or the scene graph.
> However, in many areas it makes the assumption that such code will 
> always run sequentially to completion without interruption, and uses 
> instance fields judiciously to communicate things to deeper nested 
> code or to code further down the line.  But code using instance fields 
> in this way is not safe to re-enter (it is not reentrant-safe) without 
> precautions -- sharing instance fields in this way safely can easily 
> get as complicated as writing multi-threaded code.
> A simple example that I saw in Parent's toFront code:
> childrenTriggerPermutation= true;
> try{
> children.remove(node);
> children.add(node);
> } finally{
> childrenTriggerPermutation= false;
> }
> The above code uses an instance field "childrenTriggerPermutation" to 
> activate an optimization. The optimization will assume that the 
> children are only re-arranged, and no new ones were added or removed.  
> However, "children" is an ObservableList, which means the user can 
> register listeners on it, which do who knows what.  If such a listener 
> modifies the children list in another way then the code is entered 
> again, but the "childrenTriggerPermutation" optimization will still be 
> enabled causing it to not notice the change the user did.
> This problem is similar to the ChangeListener old value bug. When 
> within a change listener you do another change (and so the same code 
> is called **deeper** in the same stack), downstream change listeners 
> will not receive the correct old values because the code is 
> insufficiently reentrant-safe.  ExpressionHelper **tries** to mitigate 
> some of these issues (for cases where listeners are added/removed 
> reentrantly) by making copies of the listener list, but it does not 
> handle this case.
> Similarly, the bug I encountered in my original post is also such an 
> issue.  While processing the children list changes, several 
> **properties** are being manipulated.  Being properties, these can 
> have listeners of their own that could trigger further modifications 
> and, in complex enough programs, they may even re-enter the same 
> class's code that is sharing instance fields in an unsafe way.  And 
> that's exactly what is happening:
> 1. The children list change processing is registering the offset of 
> the first changed child in the children list (called "startIdx") as an 
> instance field -- this field is used as an optimization for updatePeer 
> (so it doesn't have to check/copy all children).  It assumes the 
> processing always finishes completely and it will get to the point 
> where it sets "startIdx" but...
> 2. Before it sets "startIdx" but after the children list is already 
> modified, it modifies several properties.  Being properties, these can 
> have listeners, and as such this can trigger a cascade of further 
> calls in complicated applications.
> 3. In this case, the cascade of calls included an 
> "enterNestedEventLoop".  Pulses (and things like Platform#runLater) 
> can be handled on such a nested loop, and FX decides that now is as 
> good a time as any to handle a new pulse.
> 4. The pulse triggers updatePeer calls, among which is the Parent that 
> is still (higher in the stack) midway its children list processing code.
> 5. The updatePeer code looks at "startIdx", the shared instance field 
> that Parent uses for its optimizations.  This field is NOT modified 
> yet.  The field indicates the first child that was modified, and the 
> field is normally set to "children.size()" when there are no changes.  
> That's also the case in this case still, and so updatePeer updates 
> nothing at all.  An assertion later in this code then checks if 
> children.size() == peer.children.size() which fails... a stack trace 
> is thrown, and synchronizeSceneNodes() blows up with infinite NPE's.
> I'm not entirely sure yet how to resolve this, and if it should be.
> Perhaps the safest way would be to undo some of the 
> optimizations/assumptions, and perhaps reoptimize them if there's a 
> pressing need.
> Another option would be to somehow delay listener callbacks until the 
> code in Parent is in a safe state.
> The option I like the least is to introduce yet another instance flag 
> ("processingListChange") and throwing an early exception if other code 
> is entered that doesn't expect it...
> --John
> On 22/08/2024 05:24, John Hendrikx wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> This is a bit of a long post. I'm mainly wondering if I did something 
>> wrong that FX should detect early, or if I'm doing nothing unusual 
>> and FX should handle the case described below correctly.
>> I encountered the bug where an NPE occurs in 
>> Scene$ScenePulseListener#synchronizeNodes, and it is reproducable at 
>> the moment. I'm not sure it is the same one others sometimes see, but 
>> the version I encountered is prefaced with a failing assert (which 
>> may easily get lost as synchronizeNodes will spam NPE's in your log, 
>> as it doesn't recover).
>> In Parent#validatePG it prints:
>>     *** pgnodes.size validatePG() [1] != children.size() [2]
>> And then throws an AssertionError with a long stacktrace.
>>     java.lang.AssertionError: validation of PGGroup children failed
>>         (stack trace omitted)
>> Immediately after this, the NPE in synchronizeNodes starts to get 
>> spammed, and the application never recovers.
>> This seems to have something to do with nested event loops, as I 
>> introduced a new one in the code involved.  When I remove the nested 
>> event loop, there is no problem (it also initially works fine when 
>> the application is just starting, only in a different situation, when 
>> there is some user interaction via a keypress, does the bug trigger).
>> The nested event loop is entered from a ChangeListener, which may be 
>> a bit unusual.  The documentation of Platform#enterNestedEventLoop says:
>> * This method must either be called from an input event handler or
>> * from the run method of a Runnable passed to
>> * {@link javafx.application.Platform#runLater Platform.runLater}.
>> * It must not be called during animation or layout processing.
>> It is also documented to throw an IllegalStateException if used 
>> incorrectly.  That is however not happening, so I guess I'm using it 
>> correctly...?  On the other hand, I'm not in an input event 
>> handler.... the whole process is triggered by a keypress though, and 
>> deep down in the AssertionError trace you can see:
>>     at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(
>>     at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEventImpl(
>>     at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEvent(
>>     at javafx.event.Event.fireEvent(
>>     at javafx.scene.Scene$KeyHandler.process(
>>     at javafx.scene.Scene.processKeyEvent(
>>     at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePeerListener.keyEvent(
>>     at 
>> So IMHO technically I am in an input event handler...?
>> Now the code does a LOT of stuff, which is going to make this tough 
>> to analyze.  In short:
>> - I'm displaying a Scene
>> - The user indicates (with a keypress) they want to go to a different 
>> Pane
>> - The previous Pane is created, and added to the scene as a child to 
>> a TransitionPane that will cross-fade between the current Pane and 
>> the new Pane
>> - As soon as the new Pane becomes part of the Scene, lots of things 
>> get triggered because the Scene property goes from null to the active 
>> Scene:
>>     at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(
>>     at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(   <-- the new Pane 
>> will get a Scene assigned to it
>>     at javafx.scene.Parent$2.onChanged( <-- the new 
>> Pane has its Parent changed to the TransitionPane
>> - Several parts of the new Pane listen (directly or indirectly) to a 
>> change in Scene, as they only become "active" when the Node involved 
>> is displayed (this happens with a Scene listener)
>> - One of those things is some code that will create and populate a 
>> ListView; this code uses a relatively fast query, but I had marked it 
>> as something that should be done in the background as it sometimes 
>> does take a bit too much time on the FX thread
>> Now, how I normally do things in the background is to display an 
>> automatically closing "Please wait" dialog potentially with a 
>> progress bar on it (this dialog is actually invisible, unless 
>> sufficient time passes, so in 99% of the cases when things respond 
>> fast, the user never sees it, even though it was created and is 
>> there).  This involves starting a nested event loop.  This works 
>> marvelously throughout this application (and has done so for years), 
>> and it is used for almost every transition from one part of the 
>> application to the next.  In all cases so far however I did this 
>> directly from an event handler.
>> So the main difference is that I'm trying to enter a nested event 
>> loop from a ChangeListener (which deep down was triggered by an 
>> Event).  In the AssertionError stack trace (which I will include at 
>> the end), there is no layout or animation code **before** entering 
>> the nested loop, although there is some layout code **after** it was 
>> entered.
>> I can live with the fact that I may be using enterNestedEventLoop 
>> incorrectly here, but in that case it should probably also detect 
>> this incorrect use and throw the IllegalStateException.
>> Technically, all this code is triggered while "adding" a Child to the 
>> TransitionPane, so I suspect that is what the AssertionError is about 
>> (it indicates the child count 1 != 2, which is what TransitionPane 
>> has, one active pane, and just added to cross fade to).  Still, is 
>> this really incorrect usage?
>> I've included an annotated stack trace below.
>> As it is quite reproducable, I can debug this further by adding 
>> breakpoints/prints -- I'm just unsure where to start looking.
>> --John
>> java.lang.AssertionError: validation of PGGroup children failed
>>   at javafx.scene.Parent.validatePG(
>>   at javafx.scene.Parent.doUpdatePeer(
>>   at javafx.scene.Parent$1.doUpdatePeer(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.scene.ParentHelper.updatePeerImpl(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.scene.layout.RegionHelper.updatePeerImpl(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.scene.NodeHelper.updatePeer(
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.syncPeer(
>>   at 
>> javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.synchronizeSceneNodes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
>>   at$runPulse$2(
>>   at 
>> java.base/
>>   at
>>   at
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> Method)
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at
>>   at 
>>   at javafx.application.Platform.enterNestedEventLoop(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.SceneUtil.enterNestedEventLoop( 
>> <-- just my wrapper to trace slow calls, it delegates to Platform
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.dialog.DialogPane.showDialog(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.dialog.Dialogs.showProgressDialog(
>>   at hs.mediasystem.runner.dialog.Dialogs.runNested(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.plugin.home.HomeScreenNodeFactory.lambda$1( 
>> The above line is where the nested event loop is entered.  It starts 
>> to display a "busy" dialog. A background task (on a new thread) will 
>> create a ListView (this never actually happens, the AssertionError is 
>> thrown immediately even with an empty task that just sleeps 10 seconds).
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$Generic.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> javafx.scene.control.SelectionModel.setSelectedItem(
>>   at 
>> javafx.scene.control.MultipleSelectionModelBase.lambda$new$0(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$Generic.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> javafx.scene.control.SelectionModel.setSelectedIndex(
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.plugin.home.HomeScreenNodeFactory.lambda$3( 
>> <-- triggers the creation of a ListView
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue.lambda$0(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding.invalidate(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ConditionalBinding.conditionChanged(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.binding.Subscription.lambda$2(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding.invalidate(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.binding.Subscription.lambda$4(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleInvalidation.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding.invalidate(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.binding.Subscription.lambda$4(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleInvalidation.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding.invalidate(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.FlatMappedBinding.invalidateAll(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.binding.Subscription.lambda$4(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleInvalidation.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding.invalidate(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.FlatMappedBinding.invalidateAll(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.binding.Subscription.lambda$4(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$Generic.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> javafx.scene.Node$ReadOnlyObjectWrapperManualFire.fireSuperValueChangedEvent( 
>> <-- there is a listener on a Scene property
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged( <-- the new 
>> Pane has a few nested Panes, so you see multiple Parent assignments
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes( <-- the Parent is 
>> part of a Scene, so this new Pane also gets the same Scene assigned
>>   at javafx.scene.Parent$2.onChanged( <-- the new 
>> Pane gets its parent assigned (TransitionPane)
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.collections.TrackableObservableList.lambda$new$0(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.collections.ListListenerHelper$Generic.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.collections.ListListenerHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.collections.ObservableListBase.fireChange(
>>   at 
>> javafx.collections.ListChangeBuilder.commit(
>>   at 
>> javafx.collections.ListChangeBuilder.endChange(
>>   at 
>> javafx.collections.ObservableListBase.endChange(
>>   at 
>> javafx.collections.ModifiableObservableListBase.add(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.add(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.ui.transition.TransitionPane.add( 
>> <-- new Pane is added to a TransitionPane that handles cross fade 
>> between old and new Pane
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.ui.transition.TransitionPane.addAtStart(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.ui.transition.TransitionPane.add(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.presentation.ViewPort.updateChildNode( 
>> <-- here it installs the new Pane to display
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.presentation.ViewPort.lambda$0(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding.invalidate(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.binding.Subscription.lambda$4(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleInvalidation.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.presentation.ParentPresentation.navigateBack( 
>> <-- this handles the keyPress (it was a "back" press)
>>   at hs.mediasystem.util.expose.Expose.lambda$3(
>>   at hs.mediasystem.util.expose.Trigger$
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.RootPresentationHandler.tryRunAction(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.RootPresentationHandler.handleActionEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler$NormalEventHandlerRecord.handleBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventDispatcher.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.SceneUtil.lambda$1( <-- 
>> this is just my Slow Event detection, and just delegates the event
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEventImpl(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEvent(
>>   at hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.base.Events.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.action.InputActionHandler.handleKeyEvent( 
>> <-- just code that handles a keypress that bubbled all the way to the top
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.runner.action.InputActionHandler.onKeyPressed(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventHandler.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventHandlerManager.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.CompositeEventDispatcher.dispatchBubblingEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> hs.mediasystem.util.javafx.SceneUtil.lambda$1( <-- 
>> this is just my Slow Event detection, and just delegates the event
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.BasicEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
>>   at 
>> com.sun.javafx.event.EventDispatchChainImpl.dispatchEvent(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEventImpl(
>>   at com.sun.javafx.event.EventUtil.fireEvent(
>>   at javafx.event.Event.fireEvent(
>>   at javafx.scene.Scene$KeyHandler.process(
>>   at javafx.scene.Scene.processKeyEvent(
>>   at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePeerListener.keyEvent(
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>> java.base/
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at
>>   at
>>   at Method)
>>   at 
>>   at java.base/
>> And the NPE exception:
>> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke 
>> "javafx.scene.Node.getScene()" because "<local2>" is null
>>     at 
>> javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.synchronizeSceneNodes(
>>     at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
>>     at$runPulse$2(
>>     at 
>> java.base/
>>     at
>>     (rest of trace identical to the AssertionError one)
>> And another variant of the NPE exception:
>> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke 
>> "javafx.scene.Node.getScene()" because "<local2>" is null
>>   at 
>> javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.synchronizeSceneNodes(
>>   at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
>>   at$runPulse$2(
>>   at 
>> java.base/
>>   at
>>   at
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at 
>>   at Method)
>>   at 
>>   at java.base/
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