Nodes are not rendered after window resize

Christopher Schnick crschnick at
Sun Aug 25 12:15:00 UTC 2024

Hello Eduard,

thanks I will try that parameter. But I can already rule out that this 
was fixed by the pull request as I used the latest JavaFX 24 ea build, 
which already includes this fix.

On 25/08/2024 14:06, Eduard Sedov wrote:
> Hello Christopher,
> You can try to pass the following parameter to jvm:
> -Dprism.dirtyregioncount=1
> If it helps, then it's probably the same bug that was fixed in this pull request:
> - eduard
> Am 25. Aug. 2024, 13:43, um 13:43, Christopher Schnick <crschnick at> schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> so it seems like there is a rare bug in JavaFX (at least on Windows)
>> where after a resize operation, some controls are rendered as white
>> boxes. I had this issue on the latest JavaFX 24 ea build on Windows 10.
>> There were no exceptions thrown or methods called from a non-platform
>> thread. I was not able to reproduce this consistently so far. I would
>> argue it happens around every 50 runs of an application for me.
>> There were a couple of posts with videos of the problem:
>> -
>> -
>> (I wrongly reported it as a toolbar bug, it seems to be a more general
>> one)
>> I can sometimes enter this state shown in the videos by resizing a
>> stage
> >from for example 1280x720, to fullscreen, back to 1280x720, and to
>> fullscreen again. It seems like the renderer dimensions become broken
>> in
>> some cases and are no longer updated on consecutive scene resize
>> operations, so they always stay on an old value. If in this case the
>> scene fits into a stage with size 1280x720 and is resized to
>> fullscreen,
>> any nodes outside the old scene bounds are rendered as these white
>> artifacts, presumably because the renderer thinks that they are not
>> visible. It seems like the renderer thinks they are outside the
>> scene/stage because it still has the old scene dimensions. I was not
>> able to get the application out of this invalid state without
>> restarting it.
>> If anyone could advise me on what kind of properties I can pass to
>> JavaFX or what kind of actions I can do to narrow this down, that would
>> be great.
>> Best regards, Christopher

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