CSS Media Queries

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Dec 2 21:40:25 UTC 2024

I also think this is a good addition to JavaFX CSS.

On 12/2/2024 11:32 AM, Michael Strauß wrote:
>> 1. what are the plans / commitments for actually developing the dark mode stylesheet?
> I'm thinking a bit bigger than just "Modena Dark". Since JFX 19, we've
> added focusVisible, platform preferences, CSS transitions, and now
> hopefully media queries. After this is done, I think we should
> leverage all of those new features, and create a bold new theme for
> JavaFX that feels at home in the year 2025.

Depending on the scope, that's a pretty ambitious goal. :)  Were you 
thinking of something derived from Modena (e.g., a "Modena 2025") that 
incorporates all of those things and maybe a few other tweaks? Or are 
you thinking a brand new "from scratch" theme? Based on past experience 
(the switch from Caspian to Modena in FX 8), the latter will require 
quite a lot of work, and someone with a good artistic eye and attention 
to detail to drive it. I expect it would be a fairly long process and 
require a *lot*  of testing.

Anyway, that doesn't need to slow down this feature. This feature would 
help with either approach. And application developers would be able to 
take advantage in their own stylesheets before that.

>> 2. are there plans / necessity of adding more similar properties to the Scene?
> Yes, where it makes sense. I think it should also have
> persistentScrollBars / prefers-persistent-scrollbars.

Yes, this would be useful.

> After that, we're probably good for a while.

Sounds good.

-- Kevin

>> 3. are there plans to provide a similar proposal for variables, for example to be able to size controls consistently https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8314683 ?
> Yes, although this requires a new CSS parser.
> Have a look at this proposal, specifically the "Variable substitution"
> section: https://gist.github.com/mstr2/f416996caf48e11193f0b6a5883a3926
> Variable substitution requires a value resolution algorithm that works
> on the level of CSS tokens, not on pre-parsed objects.
>> One more tangentially related question: do you think it's possible to be able to determine which selector in which stylesheet was used, for debugging purposes?  For example, be able to enable logging?
> Interesting question. I don't have an answer (or a guess) at the
> moment, but I'll think about it.

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